Page 61 - EH66
P. 61
Aggacitta: From the kammic Geshe Dadul: One should approach Aggacitta: Ideally they should
perspective, as long as one is circumstances from a place of have more awareness of the
abiding by the 5 precepts and the genuine compassion and care, situation, try to live an ecologically
law of the land and one’s intentions without harmful intent towards any sustainable lifestyle and encourage
are wholesome, e.g. genuinely group or party, while remaining their followers to do likewise. By
accompanied by non-harming open to let the outward expression walking their talk, they are teaching
and kindness, then such social of one’s activity take whatever by precept and example and they
engagement is alright. However form is most appropriate to the would not be unduly criticised for
one also needs to carefully consider situation. Always check that the hypocrisy. E.g. they could try to
the possible repercussions of such motivation behind the action is only
actions for one’s own safety and to serve and benefit all concerned, ● reduce the usage of plastic
life advancement as well as those of without bias. Don’t get fixated products, starting with single use
one’s loved ones. Will the negative into a group mentality, rather plastics
consequences be worth the time always be principle-driven and ● pick up non-biodegradable trash
and effort expended? compassion-guided. Remember, during their morning or evening
at the prātimokṣa practice level, walks
Min Wei: Some people will assume Buddha goes to the extent of ● conserve vegetation
that compassion and kindness advocating the so-called Four ● use more green products, e.g.
would never win against war, Dharmas of Śramaṇas, viz., not bamboo toothbrushes
injustice, violence etc. However, returning insult for insult, hatred ● use Ecosia as a default search
from a Buddhist perspective, any for hatred, blow for blow, and engine in their web browser.
meaningful protest for peace slander for slander, while at the
must be carried out in accordance advanced bodhisattva level, the Min Wei: The topic of climate change
with the practices of mindfulness, same Buddha teaches how there or global warming has widely
compassion, and kindness. might be occasions when engaging been discussed by many leaders
Mindfulness as a practice will in the first seven ‘non-virtues’ of throughout the world. We need to
help us to understand what true body and speech, may even be wake up and realize that the Earth is
happiness is - one which is not permissible, if it benefitted. It is the our mother as well as our home.
dependent on objects of craving initial motivation and the state of
like power, wealth and sensual mind that sustains the actions in Without doubt, overdevelopment
pleasures but is obtained through the moment that ultimately matters is one of the key factors causing
understanding and compassion. and rules. However, the latter is not climate change. With regards to
something initial practitioners can this, the Buddhist teachings of the
Anger is never a solution but would pull off naturally. It requires earnest Noble Eightfold Path can guide us
only bring about suffering; which is training and persistent endeavor. as to navigate this unprecedented
why the Buddha says conquer anger era of human and environmental
with non-anger. Conquer evil with Climate change is a critical suffering. The Buddha advised his
virtuousness. Conquer spitefulness problem for the world today. disciples to follow this Path to avoid
with kindness. Therefore, non- What should Buddhist leaders the extremes of sensual pleasures.
violence is more effective and and practitioners, out of The Noble Eightfold Path are Right
serve as a powerful tool in the fight kindness and compassion for View and Right Intention (wisdom),
against war and injustice rather future generations, do to ensure Right Speech, Right Action and
than using violent means or resort ecological sustainability instead Right Livelihood (ethics), and
to acts of cruelty. of creating conditions for future Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and
human suffering? Right Concentration (cultivation or