Page 22 - EH67
P. 22


           of the name, Namu Amida Butsu,    be sufficient. At the same time,   Since early Buddhism
           signifies this, in the realization that   they did not tell their followers to   emphasized self-reliance, can
           already I am embraced in boundless   attack or disregard the kami. All   Shin Buddhism be considered
           compassion; however, I have yet   sentient beings were included in   as Buddhism since its focus
           to realize this in practice - already,   the larger community, including   is reliance on Amida Buddha,
           but not yet: “All beings are one with   the kami. Most of the other schools   an external source for one’s
           me in the deep flow of oneness.   of Japanese Buddhism included     salvation, rather than oneself?
           Therefore, I am moved to become   worship of the kami, often having   In Shin Buddhism, practice based
           one with all beings.”             Shinto shrines within the Buddhist   on the conscious ego self is called
                                             temple precincts. Shinran did not   “self-power” practice. Practice
           Is Shin Buddhism an adaptation    include this practice, and so Shin   that is realized from the depths
           of Shinto beliefs and practices   Buddhist temples do not include   of emptiness or oneness, which is
           since being a foreign religion it   Shinto shrines even today.      beyond ego calculation, is called
           needs to survive in Japan?                                          “other power” practice. Other
                                             Are the teachings of Shin         power does not refer to an external

           In Japan, religion began as integral to   Buddhism as a Pure Land school   being, like a god. It really means
           the project of nation building. Many   different from what is taught and   “other than ego.” The foolish
           strands were brought together to   practiced in Chinese Pure Land   being filled with blind passions
           create the narrative of Japan, and this   Buddhism?                 is the calculating ego, the karmic
           was also the narrative of creating                                  self. Amida Buddha as the self-
           Japanese religion, what is called “state   In China, the chanting of the   expression of emptiness, oneness,
           religion.” Japanese state religion   name of Amida Buddha and Zen   and boundless compassion, the
           combined Confucian elements for   Buddhist meditation developed     deepest reality of the self, is the
           governance and social organization,   separately. There were masters and   Amida self, as it were. For this
           Daoism for the story of creation and   teachers who taught at temples that   reason, Shinran states, “True
           the names of some deities, Buddhism   primarily emphasized the practice   entrusting is buddha-nature.”
           for the overarching framework of   of the name, otherwise known as
           principles (“This world is an illusion,   nianfo in Chinese or nembutsu in   The foolish being who entrusts the
           only the Buddha is true”, as stated   Japanese, which means “mindful   self to the awakening of infinite light
           by Prince Shōtoku) and the afterlife,   chanting.” There were also masters   does not do so with ego-intention.
           along with continued worship of   who primarily emphasized Zen      Letting go of the ego and entrusting
           tribal deities, the native kami, the   meditation. However, by the time   oneself to the flow of reality arising
           gods and goddesses.               of the Song Dynasty, around the   from deep within occurs from the
                                             twelfth century, Pure Land and    true self beyond words, one’s own
           During the Kamakura Period        Zen fused in China, so that both   buddha-nature. Yet, this is true with
           (1185-1333), many monks began     practices were taught in the same   all schools of Mahāyāna Buddhism.
           to reject the idea of Buddhism as   temple. In Japan, there was some   As the Zen master Dōgen, founder
           part of state religion, including   intermingling of Zen and Pure   of the Sōtō school, states of the
           the founders of the rising Pure   Land practice early on. However,   nature of practice, “One throws
           Land movements of Honen and       during the Kamakura Period, when   oneself into the realm of the Buddha
           Shinran, the Jōdō School and Shin   Zen and Pure Land became major   and true practice unfolds from the
           Buddhism, respectively. They both   movements, they arose as separate   side of the Buddha.” In esoteric
           declared that one need not worship   schools or sects. Thus, while in   Buddhism, Zhenyan in Chinese or
           the kami, the native gods; that just   China they came together, in Japan   Shingon in Japanese, there are five
           the practice of invoking the great   they developed separately and that   cosmic buddhas, all who lend to the
           compassion Amida Buddha would     continues to be the case today.   practitioner the cosmic power of
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