Page 110 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 110

which means that ordinary people had little, if any, share in the

             government, or in political life and activity. So, in those days,
             there was not much point in asking people in general to practise

             Perfect Government or Perfect Administration, or even Perfect
             Citizenship, when they had very little say in these matters and
             very little share. Everyone, however, had to work. They may not

             have had a vote or known what the king was up to, but they all
             had to earn a living, so the question of Perfect Livelihood was

             one which concerned everybody, even in the Buddha's day —
             and for this reason, no doubt, Perfect Livelihood was included in
             the Noble Eightfold Path. We might even hazard a speculation

             here and suggest that the Buddha himself felt that the economic
             aspect of our collective existence was even more basic than

             either the social or the political aspect, and that for this reason
             too he included Perfect Livelihood, as representing that aspect,
             in the Noble Eightfold Path. During the Buddha's lifetime trade

             and business and finance were all developing rapidly and the
             Buddha himself could not have been unaware of this. Quite a

             number of his closest lay disciples were what we would call
             merchant bankers, whose commercial interests extended as far
             as Babylon.

             Having understood some of the main reasons for its inclusion in

             the Path, let us now try and investigate, in a little detail, what
             Perfect Livelihood itself really is. In so doing we should not
             forget that this stage of the Path, i.e. Perfect Livelihood, stands

             for the transformation of our whole collective existence — our
             whole social life, our whole communal life — and not just for the

             economic aspect itself. In other words, it stands for the creation

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