Page 107 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 107

involved and apply them to this aspect of one's collective

             existence too.

             In India this political ideal or political teaching of Buddhism
             received its greatest exemplification in the person of the
             Emperor Ashoka. He was a great ruler of the Maurya dynasty,

             and lived about two hundred years after the Buddha. He
             inherited from his father the kingdom of Magadha, which he

             proceeded to expand, promptly swallowing up nearly all the
             other      states of the sub-continent. A series of mopping-up
             operations increased the dimensions of Magadha even beyond

             those of present day India and Pakistan. The last state left for
             Ashoka to subdue, in the days before he became a Buddhist,

             was the state of Kalinga, on the east coast, roughly
             corresponding to the modern state of Orissa. As Ashoka himself
             recorded in one of his Rock Edicts, 'One hundred and fifty

             thousand persons were carried away captive, one hundred
             thousand were slain, and many times that number died.' Seeing

             the havoc that had been wrought, Ashoka realized the misery
             brought about by war and by his own conquests. In his own
             words, he 'felt profound sorrow and regret because the

             conquests of a people previously unconquered involved
             slaughter, death, and deportation . . .[and because] even those

             who escaped calamity themselves are deeply afflicted by the
             misfortunes        suffered      by     those      friends,     acquaintances,
             companions, and relatives for whom they feel an undiminished

             affection.' So he gave up this career of conquest — possibly the
             only example in history of a great conqueror who stopped in

             mid-career because he realized the moral wickedness of it all.
             He stopped and he completely reversed. Instead of being

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