Page 103 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 103

dull and uninteresting but positively painful. We therefore try to

             get away from it and create a world of our own outside ordinary
             existence. We start daydreaming in various. ways. We start

             imagining a better state of affairs. We start dreaming up some
             ideal world, some ideal society, in which the imperfections of
             this world and this society do not exist. Here there is misery and

             unhappiness, but we like to daydream about some other place,
             some other world, where everybody is happy and where, no

             doubt, we can be happy too. Daydreaming of this sort is not
             altogether a bad thing, provided we don't indulge in it too often
             or when we really ought to be doing something else.

             Though most daydreaming is what may be described as

             unproductive fantasy, occasionally daydreams are blue-prints of
             the future. Today's dream may be, in some cases, tomorrow's
             reality. Looking at the history of the world, at the history of

             culture, of religions, of the arts, of philosophy, we often find that
             the greatest men of the past, and the greatest women too, have

             sometimes been the greatest dreamers. If we go back to the
             days of ancient Greece, to Plato — surely one of the greatest
             men who have ever lived — we find that Plato too dreamed his

             dreams. The greatest and most famous of his dreams is, of
             course, The Republic, the great dialogue in twelve books in

             which Plato dreams his dream of the ideal society, the society
             based upon Justice. If we come to other times and cultures, and
             other dreams, we have in the Book of Revelations, the last book

             of the Bible, the marvellous vision of the New Jerusalem with its
             walls of jasper and gates of pearl — a vision of great archetypal

             and mythical significance. So it is down the ages. Coming nearer

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