Page 99 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 99

approximates to the Bodhisattva Precepts — or rather,

             expressing itself in a way of which the precepts themselves are
             but an approximation.

             Total Action
             Though the nature of Perfect Action should now be clear, there

             is one last matter to be considered. Perfect Action is also total
             action or, as perhaps it would be better to say, total act, i.e. that

             act in which the total man is involved. Most people are too
             divided, too fragmented, even, to act with the whole of
             themselves. Practically all the time we act with only a part of

             ourselves. When you go to the office or the factory, do you put
             yourself wholeheartedly into your work there? I think not. You

             might put quite a large slice of your energy into it, but quite a
             large slice remains at home, or is tied up elsewhere. You do not
             do your work with the whole of yourself. You do not give it your

             full attention, interest, and enthusiasm. If you have a hobby, you
             very rarely put the whole of yourself into the hobby, and even if

             you are a woman you don't very often put the whole of yourself
             into your domestic life. There is something that is left out, or left
             over, so that we are all the time acting with only part of

             ourselves. Even when we are acting from what is best in
             ourselves, from our noblest impulses of kindness and generosity,

             that act is not a total act inasmuch as there remain within us
             impulses of unkindness, and ungenerosity from which, at the
             moment, we are not acting. Thus even our Right Action — even

             our so-called Perfect Action — remains imperfect in the sense
             that it is not total. Perfect Action in the fullest sense is the

             prerogative of a Buddha: only an Enlightened mind can

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