Page 96 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 96

(iii) Thirdly, abstention from sexual misconduct.

             In the sutras the Buddha makes it clear that, in the context of the
             Five Precepts, sexual misconduct comprises rape, abduction and

             adultery. All three are unskilful because they are expressions,
             simultaneously, of both craving and violence. In the case of rape
             and abduction, which in the comparatively unorganized society

             of the Buddha's day seem to have been fairly common, violence
             is committed not only against the woman herself but also, if she

             happens to be a minor, against her parents or guardians. In the
             case of adultery, the violence is committed against the woman's
             husband, in as much as his domestic life is deliberately disrupted.

             It should also be noted that in Buddhism marriage is a purely civil
             contract, not a sacrament. Moreover, divorce is permitted and

             from a religious point of view monogamy is not compulsory. In
             some parts of the Buddhist world there are communities which
             practice polygamy and this is not considered as being in any way

             sexual misconduct.

             The positive counterpart of abstention from sexual misconduct is
             samtushi (Pali santutthi), or contentment. In the case of the
             unmarried contentment means contentment with the single

             state, in the case of the married it means contentment with one's
             recognized, socially accepted sexual partner. Here contentment

             is not just passive acceptance of the status quo. In modern
             psychological terms, it means a positive state of freedom from
             using sex to satisfy neurotic needs in general and, in particular,

             using it to satisfy the neurotic need for change.

             (iv) Fourthly, abstention from false speech. False speech is that
             which is rooted in craving, hatred or fear.

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