Page 92 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 92

quite hard going. But if we stick it out, if we banish those visions

             of plum cake, craving is gradually reduced and eventually we
             shall reach a happy state where there is no craving at all, and

             where we never even think of that particular thing. Our
             abstention from plum cake is now no longer a disciplinary
             measure, but has become a genuine expression of the state of

             non-craving to which we have attained.

             In any case the Silas or Precepts are not just lists of rules, though
             when you come across them in books on Buddhism they may
             indeed read like that. Only too often the Buddha is represented

             as telling people all the things they should not do, and the
             impression is created that Buddhism is a very dreary and

             negative business. But the Silas are, in reality, just patterns of
             ethical behaviour. They are the natural expression of certain
             skilful mental states. Since they are the natural expression of

             skilful mental states we can find out to what extent we have
             developed those states by checking our behaviour against the

             Silas. This provides us with a rough and ready check. Let us take
             a quick look, therefore, at just a few of these sets of Silas or
             patterns of ethical behaviour. As lists of rules they will be

             familiar to many, so we need not spend too much time on them.
             In any case we do not want to identify Perfect Action too closely

             with any of its specific expressions, however worthy and noble
             they may be.

             First, however, let me make one observation. Different people's
             patterns of external ethical behaviour may be identical, but their

             mental states — the mental states behind the patterns — may
             be quite different. This may sound a little complicated, but it is
             really very simple. Supposing for example, three different

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