Page 90 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 90

that the path to hell was paved with skilfulness. It just doesn't fit.

             Unskilful actions are defined as those which are rooted in craving
             or selfish desire, in hatred and aversion, and in mental confusion
             or bewilderment, i.e. in a state of spiritual obfuscation or

             ignorance. Skilful actions are those which are free from craving,
             free from hatred, free from mental confusion, and which are,

             positively speaking, motivated instead by generosity, or the
             impulse to share and to give, by love and compassion, and by
             understanding. This very simple distinction at once places the

             whole question of morality in a very different light. The moral life
             becomes a question of acting from what is best within us: acting

             from our deepest understanding and insight, our widest and
             most comprehensive love and compassion.

             We are now in a position to begin to see what is meant by
             Perfect Action. It is not just action which accords with some

             external standard or criterion but action which expresses Perfect
             Vision and Perfect Emotion. Perfect Action represents the
             descent to the level of action of Perfect Vision and Perfect

             Emotion, just as Perfect Speech represents their descent to the
             level of communication. In other words, having already attained

             Perfect Vision, and developed Perfect Emotion, when one comes
             to act one spontaneously expresses that vision and that
             emotional experience in terms of one's action.

             Patterns of Ethical Behaviour

              By this time serious students of Buddhism may well                              be
             wondering how the Five or the Ten Silas (Pali: Silas) or Precepts
             fit into the picture. Are these not lists of moral rules which

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