Page 100 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 100

really act with the whole of itself, putting the whole of its wisdom

             and the whole of its compassion behind a particular act, with
             nothing left out or left over. This aspect of Buddhahood is

             represented by the Green 'archetypal' Buddha, Amoghasiddhi or
             'Unobstructed Success'. Amoghasiddhi represents the total act at
             the highest conceivable level.

             On rare occasions we may ourselves experience a sort of

             anticipation of Perfect Action, in the sense of total action, on our
             own level of being. We may happen to be totally involved in
             something. Every ounce of our energy, our effort, our awareness,

             our interest, our enthusiasm, our love, is involved at that
             moment.        We     are     completely       involved      emotionally        and

             intellectually. On such occasions we know that we are capable of
             putting the whole of ourselves into an act, without anything being
             left over. We know that we are capable, for an instant at least, of

             expressing ourselves fully and totally. The satisfaction and relief
             — the peace, even — which we then feel, we can get from no

             other source and in no other way. It is this state we should aim to
             be in all the time, at the highest level: the level of Buddhahood or
             Enlightenment. Then we shall really know what Perfect Action is,

             what Total Act is. Then we shall really understand, from the
             source, the Principles of Ethics.

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