Page 106 - The Buddha‘s Noble Eightfold Path
P. 106

There is the strictly social aspect, the political aspect, and the

             economic aspect, and Buddhism has teachings which cover all

             If we look at the social side, we find that Buddhism has various
             social teachings, especially iri the context of ancient Indian life.

             We find that the Buddha was not at all in favour of the dominant
             feature of social life in India at his time, that is to say, the caste

             system, which is still very much a feature of social life in India
             today. According to that system your position or rank in society
             was dependent on your birth. If you were the son of a brahmin

             you were a brahmin, if you were the son of a trader you were a
             trader, and you could not get away from that. This system is

             very, very strong and all-pervasive in India, even now, especially
             in the villages, and it has a very stultifying effect upon human
             initiative generally. For this reason the Buddha said very clearly

             and emphatically that the criterion of a man's position in society
             should be not birth, but worth. This is just one example of his

             social teaching.

             In the same way we find that, politically speaking, Buddhism

             upholds — or rather upheld in ancient times — the ideal of what
             it calls the Dharmaraja, a number of sutras being devoted to this

             topic. Dharma means truth, righteousness, reality. Raja means
             king, or even government. Thus the ideal of the Dharmaraja
             represents the ideal of government by righteousness: the ideal

             that even in political affairs ethical and spiritual consideration
             and values must be paramount. It represents the idea that

             politics should not be just a cockpit of rival interests and
             factions, not just a question of manipulation and string-pulling,
             but that one should try and see what ethical and spiritual

             principles are

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