Page 20 - Wesak as a Public Holiday and Its Social Psychological Significance
P. 20

Wesak as a Public Holiday and Its Social Psychological Significance

                        The  impact  of  this  debate  was              Outside  the  country,  the  debate
                 great.   Within the country, it rebuilt the     brought  about  a  butterfly  effect.    The
                 confidence  of  Sinhalese  Buddhists,            Times of Ceylon recorded and translated
                 accelerated  the  Buddhist  revival             the  debate  into  English  (and  had  since
                 movement,  and  sow  the  seeds  of             been  reprinted  till  today),  a  spiritual
                 Sinhalese  nationalism.    Prior  to  this,     minister J. M. Peebles compiled it into a
                 B u d d h i s m   w a s   p o r t r a y e d   a s   a   b o o k  1 2   e n t i t l e d   “ B u d d h i s m   a n d
                 superstitious and animistic belief, and the     Christianity Face to Face” (Fig. 9), and
                 morale of Buddhists were low.  After the        posted  a  copy  to  an American  Colonel
                 debate,  Buddhists  regained  their  self-      Steel Olcott (Fig. 10).   After reading the
                 confidence,  and  vigorously  worked  for        book,  Olcott  decided  to  come  to  Sri
                 Buddhist  revival.    In  terms  of  politics,   Lanka.  On 17  May 1880 he arrived Sri
                 Ceylonese who were hitherto unable to           Lanka, and on 19  May he took refuge in
                 breakthrough  the  political  and  military     the Triple Gem in front of thousands of
                 dominance  of  the  British,  found             Buddhist devotees, thus became the first
                 themselves  winning  a  battle  that            white  American  to  embrace  Buddhism.
                 awakened them to the possibility of self-       He  would  later  become  an  outstanding
                 rule and independence                           leader in the revival of Buddhism in recent

                                                                        Fig. 10 :Colonel Steel Olcott

                       Fig.  9:  Cover  Page  of  “Buddhism  and
                       Christianity Face to Face”.  Content of the
                       book is available in the internet

                  12. A Christan priest, AG Fraser, attempted to stop the publication of this book.  This is another proof that
                  Buddhist won the debate.

                 Chapter 2: The Sri Lankan Connection                 Page19
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