Page 21 - Wesak as a Public Holiday and Its Social Psychological Significance
P. 21

Wesak as a Public Holiday and Its Social Psychological Significance

                        The Dutch abolished Wesak as a
                public  holiday  in  1770.  The  British
                refused to reinstate Wesak as a public
                holiday after taking over from the Dutch.
                The Sri Lankans tried many years to get
                Wesak declared as a public holiday but
                failed  (meanwhile  Christmas  and  All
                Saints Day were made public holidays in
                Sri Lanka). After the arrival of Col. Olcott
                he  was  tasked  with  the  job  of  getting
                Wesak as a public holiday. In 1884, he
                was entrusted by all sects of Buddhism in
                Sri Lanka to champion Wesak as a public
                holiday on their behalf.   He travelled to
                London to lobby the British. The British
                eventually agreed. On 28  May 1885, Sri
                Lanka  celebrated  Wesak  as  a  public                 Fig. 11: Buddhist Flag
                holiday.  On  that  day,  a  Buddhist  flag
                (Fig.11)  designed  by  a  committee  with
                Olcott as advisor, was first flown.

                        Later, at the World Fellowship of        Penang, he called for Wesak Day to be
                Buddhists Conference held in Kandy in            made a public holiday too. Similarly, in
                1950,  this  flag  was  accepted  as  a           1 9 4 7   t h e   S i n g a p o r e   B u d d h i s t
                worldwide  Buddhist  flag.  But  prior  to        Association  -  a  Sri  Lankan  Buddhist
                1950, Sri Lanka temples in Malaya and            temple,  made  a  call  to  the  British
                Singapore  were  already  flying  this            government  to  declare  Wesak  Day  a
                Buddhist  flag.  This  is  evidence  of  the      public holiday. Hence it is evident that Sri
                strong Sri Lanka influence on Buddhism            Lankans  placed  great  emphasis  on
                in Malaya and Singapore.                         getting Wesak as a public holiday and
                                                                 played a leading role in this matter.
                        To Sri Lankans, declaring Wesak
                a   p u b l i c   h o l i d a y   w a s   a   g r e a t   We should also know that around 120
                breakthrough and a big success.  Hence,          years  ago,  all  Theravada  temples   would
                wherever  Sri  Lankan  monks  go,  they          celebrate  Wesak  on  a  grand  scale,  and
                would call for Wesak Day to be made a            devotees' houses and shops gaily decorated,
                public holiday. So it was quite natural that     and most Buddhist shops closed for business
                when  Ven.  K.  Gunaratana  arrived  in          on that day .  Acording to a report in the “

                 13. The Mahindarama Temple in Penang was established in 1918, Brickfields Buddhist Temple was established
                 in  1894,  Bodhi  Lanka  Ram  Vihara  in  Taiping  was  established  in  1889.    The  Siamese  temple  Wat
                 Chaiyamangalaram  was  built  in  1845.    The  Burmese  temple  Dhammikarama  was  started  in  1803.

                 14. The Singhalese in Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Malacca would decorate their houses and close their shops for
                 business on Wesak day, very much like Chinese celebrating their Chinese New Year.

                 Chapter 2: The Sri Lankan Connection                 Page20
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