Page 26 - Wesak as a Public Holiday and Its Social Psychological Significance
P. 26

Wesak as a Public Holiday and Its Social Psychological Significance

                       During  Ven.  Taixu's  (太虚法师)             it was of no surprise if he did not receive
                visit to Sri Lanka in November 1939, he          good  response  from  the  Mahayana
                suggested to Dr. G. P. Malalasekera to           Chinese.   Of course, another issue was
                jointly  establish  a  world  Buddhist           that  both  Mahayana  and  Theravada
                organisation.    Both  of  them  were  very      could not agree on a common date for
                agreeable to the idea.  After WWII, Dr.  G.      Wesak.
                P.  Malalasekera  began  to  organise  the
                World Fellowship of Buddhists .  He sent
                invitations to Buddhist leaderst to attend
                the  inaugural  conference  scheduled  in
                1950 as early as 1948 (Fig. 15). Malayan
                Buddhist  delegates  attended  the  1950
                conference .  This is clear evidence that
                Buddhist  leaders  in  Malaya  and
                Singapore, had by then been involved in
                the global Buddhist movement.

                       On the other hand, while Wesak
                day  was  of  great  importance  to  the
                Theravada Buddhists, it received lesser
                attention among the Mahayana Chinese
                Buddhists  since  it  was  but  one  of  the
                many Bodhisatva or Buddha birthdays to
                be celebrated all year round.     At that
                time, all countries that had Wesak as a
                public  holiday  such  as  Sri  Lanka,
                Thailand  and  Burmah  were  all
                Theravada countries.  China and Japan
                never  had  Wesak  or  the  8   day  of  the
                fourth  lunar  month  as  a  public  holiday.
                Even  a  politically  conscious  monk  like
                Ven. Taixu , also did not call for Wesak or
                the 8  day of the fourth lunar month be
                                                                          Fig.15:Work  to  establish  the  World
                made  a  public  holiday.    Hence,  when                 Fellowship of Budhdists began in early 1948.
                Ven. Gunaratana first made the proposal,

                 25. When the inaugural conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhists was held in Kandy in 1950, Ven.
                 Taixu had already passed away.  His disciple Ven. Fa Hang (法航法师) attended the conference.

                 26. Among the ten Malayan Buddhist delegates were Khoo Soo Jin , Lim Teong Aik, Khoo Leong Hun, and
                 monks from Ang Hock Si, Kek Lok Si, and Kuan Im Teng. See Chinese literature (Ven. Kai Di: Monks Journey
                 to the South): 开谛法师,南海云水游(附录篇)上. 177页。

                 27. Ven. Taixu (1890-1947) (太虚法师) was a member of Nationalist Party (Kuomintang).  He was involved
                 in the revolution against the Qing dynasty. On the first year of the Republic (1912), he met Sun Yat Sen in
                 Nanjing, reguested help from Sun to form the Chinese Buddhist Association, but he did not ask for Wesak to be
                 made a public holiday.  Perhaps a public holiday was of no great importance to an agricultural society at that

                 Chapter 2: The Sri Lankan Connection                 Page25
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