Page 67 - A Study of Traditional Chinese Religions in Malaysia: The Decline and the Path Towards Revitalization
P. 67

by her church members to convert her parents. The following transcript shows her description
                 of  the  situation  whereby  she  started  to  question  the  need  to  sacrifice  Chinese  cultural

                 traditions while practicing the Christian faith:

                         “At one time my friends kept asking me to convert my parents because they believed
                        that otherwise they would not go to heaven. During one Ching Ming, a friend asked
                        me if I should go for it, I said it was done out of respect. The friend said as long as I

                        don’t hold the joss sticks. I questioned why I can’t hold the joss sticks and why I can’t
                        do the Ching Ming rituals for my parents when they pass away. I started to question

                        more, and I started to retreat from the group. The members did call and ask why I did
                        not join them in church and I did not tell them the reason but that I wanted to take a
                        step back.” (Helen)

                 It  can  be  concluded  that  the  emerging  conflict  between  perceived  Christian  values  and
                 Chinese cultural traditions and practices became the turning point for Helen in reconsidering

                 her religious commitment at the time due to her own priorities and value system. She realises
                 that the religion that she commits to needs to fully accommodate the value of filial piety that

                 she prioritizes in her relationship with her parents. According to Helen, it was after she had
                 converted from Christianity to Buddhism that she believed she had finally found her sense of
                 belonging in Buddhism, which she feels matches her values and priorities.

                 4.4 Reasons Why Interviewees Converted To TCR

                 In relation to “RO3 - To explore factors that promote the religious conversion process among
                 Chinese  Malaysians”,  the  respondents  were  asked  to  share  the  reasons  behind  their

                 conversion to TCR. Their responses are categorized and discussed in the following main

                 4.4.1 Disagreeing with church’s approach after conversion

                 Both John and Helen pointed out that one of the main reasons behind their change of religion
                 from Christianity to Buddhism was the disagreement they had with the approaches of the

                 church and the viewpoints that were in conflict with their perspectives after converting to

                        For  John,  the  different  treatments  given  to  him  by  church  members  and  leaders
                 before and after he joined the church led him to question his own decision of converting to

                 Christianity, as the transcript excerpt of his sharing is presented below:

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