Page 62 - A Study of Traditional Chinese Religions in Malaysia: The Decline and the Path Towards Revitalization
P. 62

Chapter Four

                                            Kenneth Lee and Angeline Wong

                           Returning to Traditional Chinese Religions: A Qualitative Analysis

                 4.1 Introduction

                        This chapter of the book attempts to provide an in-depth understanding into some
                 general views on religious conversion by individuals who have converted from non-TCR to
                 TCR. This part of the research involved one-on-one interviews with the four individuals as

                 provided below over the second half of 2022.

                        One  of  the  challenges  faced  by  the  researchers  was  the  difficulty  of  identifying

                 qualified and willing interviewees due to the smaller number of people who fall under this
                 category of non-TCR to TCR converts. Details of the four interviewees who agreed to be
                 interviewed are as follows (to protect their identities, their full names are not published):

                 Interviewee 1: John, 33, a bank manager turned full-time temple staff. Born a Buddhist-Taoist,
                 John  converted  to  Christianity  for  about  three  years  at  around  26  years  of  age,  before

                 converting again to Buddhism. He considered himself a pure Buddhist rather than a Buddhist-
                 Taoist – unlike his parents – at the time of interview.

                 Interviewee 2: Steven, 66, a Sabah-born retiree who now spends his retired life between

                 Singapore and Johor Bahru, the capital of the Malaysian state of Johor. He grew up going to
                 the Baptist Church every Sunday. Steven was exposed to Fo Guang Shan and Master Hsing
                 Yun in 1984. He attempted to understand Buddhism for three years before converting to

                 Buddhism in 1986.

                 Interviewee 3: Helen, 63, a human resource manager who actively helps out at religious
                 organization  Fo  Guang  Shan  (Malaysia).  Helen  was  baptised  as  a  Catholic  as  a  child,

                 following  her  aunt  who  was  married  to  a  Catholic,  and  went  through  Confirmation  as  a
                 Catholic in Standard 6. She followed Tibetan Buddhism after finishing her high school, but

                 converted to Christianity again when she was facing some issues with her personal life. She
                 later converted to Mahayana Buddhism again.

                 Interviewee 4: Koh, 67, a businessman in Setiawan who is very active in temple activities.

                 Born into a Catholic family, Koh was baptized at nine but was exposed to the Taoist practice
                 at 15 when he went to work in Singapore. Since then, he has been practicing Taoism.

                        Of the four subjects, Koh has remained the longest “convert.” At the time of interview

                 in 2022, he had been practicing Taoism for approximately 50 years. Steven, on the other

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