Page 57 - A Study of Traditional Chinese Religions in Malaysia: The Decline and the Path Towards Revitalization
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9.26 percent are moderately concerned and 14.81 percent are somewhat concerned. These
                 findings are revealing that most of the respondents of this survey are showing signs that they

                 are disassociated from TCR. They do not really care about religions that probably were the
                 religions of their ancestors. As mentioned earlier, this phenomenon is probably caused by
                 TCR institutions’ failure to continuously engage the Chinese. Many TCR organizations such

                 as temples are becoming inactive in proselytizing TCR. They continue to play traditional roles
                 such as organizing festivities and serving as a place for the Chinese to pray. In the long run,

                 the Chinese will feel dissociated particularly when TCR practices are no longer upheld by
                 their family.

                         45.00%                                              42.59%


                         20.00%                                                           Total

                                  Extremely  Moderately  Somewhat  Slightly  Not at all
                                  concerned  concerned  concerned  concerned  concerned

                         Figure 3.16. Respondents’ level of concern over the impact of conversion on TCR.

                 3.6 Life After Conversion

                 3.6.1 Challenges faced after conversion

                 In addition to examining respondents’ perceptions of converting out of TCR as presented
                 above, their experiences were also looked into to gain a more complete understanding of the
                 whole religious conversion process. First, the challenges faced after religious conversion

                 from TCR to other religions were examined, and respondents were allowed to select more
                 than one challenge (see Table 3.2). The two main challenges faced are family members

                 (32.8%)  and  previous  religious  communities,  including  friends  and  relatives  (21.5%).
                 Additional challenges include feeling a sense of betrayal to the previous religious teaching
                 (8.4%) and manoeuvring laws pertaining to religion conversion (3.7%). Nearly half (48.6%)

                 of the respondents indicated facing other kinds of challenges but did not specify them clearly.
                 Nevertheless,  religion  conversion  among  Chinese  Malaysians,  given  their  collectivistic

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