Page 60 - A Study of Traditional Chinese Religions in Malaysia: The Decline and the Path Towards Revitalization
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Table 3.4 Positive changes after converting out of TCR

                 Positive Change                                              Frequency  Percentage (%)

                 Current religion could provide spiritual support             64           59.8

                 Could understand current religion better                     59           55.1

                 More connected to current religion as it is more logical     54           50.5

                 Current religion is well organised                           41           38.3

                 Current religion is systematically transmitted               32           29.9

                 Current religion improves relationship with spouse           24           22.4

                 Current religious beliefs are consistent with family’s religion   20      18.7

                 Others                                                       18           16.8

                 Obtained  a  better  social  status  (e.g.,  economic  status,
                 prestige)                                                    17           15.9

                 3.7 Conclusion

                 Generally,  based  on  the  findings  and  discussion  above,  Chinese  Malaysians  who  have

                 converted out of TCR tend to be more serious in matters related to religions. Findings from
                 this  research  have  indicated  such  a  tendency.  On  the  other  hand,  there  are  Chinese
                 Malaysians who have decided not to believe in any religion too. For these two groups, they

                 are  doubtful  of  religions.  These  two  extreme  groups,  namely  the  converts  and  the  non-
                 believers, are outcomes of TCR institutions’ inability to respond to their needs and reactions

                 to a changing world. At the micro level, Chinese Malaysians are becoming educated and
                 their  thoughts  on  religion  have  evolved.  They  look  forward  to  joining  a  religion  that  can
                 support their spiritual impulse. They are no longer the adherents. Findings from this study

                 show that TCR practices are turning them away. They question the logic of the practices.
                 Along the way, some of them have discovered other religions and some have decided not to
                 have a religion.

                        Meanwhile, non-TCR are able to satisfy or support the needs of Chinese Malaysians
                 who have converted. Non-TCR such as Christianity are seen as more systematic and rational.
                 These religions are also accommodating the Chinese’s needs to the extent the converted

   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65