Page 59 - A Study of Traditional Chinese Religions in Malaysia: The Decline and the Path Towards Revitalization
P. 59

Table 3.3 Level of satisfaction with current religion

                                   Level of Satisfaction Frequency  Percentage (%)

                                   Strongly Unsatisfied  1            0.9

                                   Unsatisfied           4            3.7

                                   Neutral               24           22.2

                                   Satisfied             37           34.3

                                   Strongly Satisfied    42           38.9

                                   Total                 108          100.0

        Positive changes after conversion. Third, positive changes post-religious conversion
                 were explored, whereby respondents were allowed to state one or more positive changes

                 (see Table 3.4). More than half of the respondents indicate that their current religion is able
                 to provide them with spiritual support (59.8%), they better understand their current religion
                 (55.1%), and they are more connected to their current religion, which they perceive as more
                 logical (50.5%). The top three positive changes in experiences are also in line with the top

                 reasons  for  converting  out  of  traditional  Chinese  religion.  Additionally,  respondents  also
                 indicate that their current religion is well organized (38.3%) and systematically transmitted

                 (29.9%), improves relationship with spouse (22.4%), and consistent with their family’s religion
                 (18.7%).  Obtaining  a  better  social  status  after  conversion  is  the  least  selected  positive
                 change (15.9%). Besides, twenty-one (19.6%) of the respondents feel more positive overall

                 (e.g.,  life  experience  and  direction,  feelings)  after  converting  to  their  current  religions.  A
                 qualitative  study  about  Chinese’s  conversion  to  Islam  in  Palembang,  Indonesia  reported

                 similar positive changes in emotions after the religion conversion, such as feeling a sense of
                 completeness,  happiness  and  closeness  to  God  (Fadhilatunnisa,  Reza  and  Zaharuddin
                 2022). Nonetheless, the conversion experiences are unique to each individual, and each

                 individual  has  different  feelings,  expectations  and  behaviours  albeit  having  a  similar
                 conversion process (Loo, Nadiyah, and Mariny 2019b).

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