Page 10 - Vinci_Standards A5_Work at Heigh
P. 10

 Work at Height
8./9. Life-lines and safety harness
1. Life-lines must either hold 100kg dynamic or 2T static. The life line must follow a calculation note.
2. Life-lines must always be accessible from a safe platform (see scaffolding).
3. Every worker should have their own harness.
4. One lanyard must be hooked up at all times.
5. Safety harnesses must always: - have two lanyards
- have a stop-chute or shock absorber
- be stored in a clean area after use
- be tagged with the latest/next inspection date - be regularly checked by a competent person
6. Anchor points must:
- be able to hold 100kg dynamic or 2T static - always be above the worker
- follow a calculation note
- be installed by a competent person
7. Life-lines must:
- followacalculationnote
- beinstalledbyacompetentperson
- beinspectedbyacompetentpersonafterinstallation - beregularlycheckedbytheusers
8. Users must be trained on how to use a life-line.
9. Each life-line must be attached with a miniumum of 3 U-bolts at each anchorage.
        1. 4.
       09 STANDARDS

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