Page 17 - Prosig Catalogue 2005
P. 17

                                                                                              MADE TO MEASURE

        Made To Measure                                       accelerometer  is not exceeded  at any
                                                              point during the test.
        What types of measurements can I make                 Microphones
        with a P8000 system?                                  Microphones  are used to measure
                                                              variations  in  atmospheric pressure.
            he  purpose of  this  article is  to  introduce  the different  types of   Variations in pressure that can be detected
            transducers that can  be used with the Prosig  P8000  series  data   by the human ear are considered to be   Training & Support
        Tacquisition system. The article deals with the design and function of   sounds.
        the different types of transducer and the applications they are normally   Acoustics is the science behind the study
        associated with.                                      of  sound.  Sound  can  be  perceived  as
        Accelerometer                                         pleasing to the ear or to be undesirable.
        An accelerometer is a device that measures acceleration. It is normally   The human auditory system normally has
        attached directly to the surface of the test specimen. As the object moves,   a maximum range of 20 Hz (or cycles per
        the accelerometer  generates an  electric  current that is  proportional  to   second) to  20  kHz, although  this  range  generally  decreases  with age.
        the acceleration.  Acceleration  and  vibration  are similar  but  not the   Sound pressure variations in that frequency range are considered to be
        same. If a material or structure has a vibration then it will be subject to   detectable by the human ear. A microphone must be able to detect all of
        certain accelerations. The frequency content and the magnitude of these   these frequencies and in some cases more. Sometimes sound pressure
        accelerations are directly proportional to the vibration.  variations  outside that frequency range  can  be important  to design
                                                              engineers as well.
        The main type of accelerometer is a piezo electric type. The official name
        for this type is IEPE, which stands for Integrated Electronic Piezo Electric.   The main  types of microphone  are the condenser  microphone,  carbon   Condition Monitoring
        This is often referred to by product names such as  Piezotron®, Isotron®,   microphone, magnetic microphone and the piezoelectric microphone. The
        DeltaTron®, LIVM™, ICP®, CCLD, ACOtron™ and others, which are all   condenser microphone is the most widely used in situations where quality
        trademarks of their respective owners. The acquisition equipment must   and accuracy are required. It is capacitive in its design and it operates
        include suitable power supplies and signal conditioning to work with the   on the transduction principle in which a diaphragm that is exposed to
        internal electronics of these transducers.            pressure changes moves in relation to the pressure fluctuations. Behind
                                                              the diaphragm there is a metal plate, usually called a back plate. This
        IEPE transducers are usually based on quartz crystals. These transducers   back plate has a voltage applied across it and is effectively a capacitor.
        normally have the crystal mounted on a mass. When the mass is subjected   As the diaphragm moves closer or further away from the back plate the
        to an accelerative force a small voltage is induced across the crystal. This   charge on the plate changes. These changes in charge are then converted
        voltage is proportional to the acceleration.          to voltages.
        There are also  many  other types of accelerometer  in  the market:   A  vibration  can  be  considered to be a  rapid  motion  of a  particle or a
        capacitive types, piezoresistive, hall  effect,  magnetoresistive and  heat   fluctuation of a pressure level. NVH studies are concerned with the study
        transfer types.                                       of vibration  and  audible  sounds.  These studies focus on  reducing  the   Software
        Accelerometers  normally  come in  two distinct  packages,  side  and  top   excitations  and  thus  the amplitudes  of  the sounds,  and  reducing  the
        mounted.  The side  mounted  package has  the interconnecting  cable   transitions between large changes of frequency or shocks. Microphones
                                                              are used in much wider fields, however, and in some cases they can be
        or connector on  the side and  the top  mounted  package has  them on
        the top.  Different  circumstances require  different  mounting  methods.   used to acquire a sound so that it can be amplified later. Microphones are
                                                              generally used in any area of testing where the precise input to the human
        Accelerometers can come in one of two different types: single axis and
        triaxis.  The  single  axis  accelerometer measures acceleration  in  one   auditory system needs to be measured, for example environmental noise
        direction, where as the triaxial accelerometer measures the acceleration   or inside an aircraft cabin.
                                   in  the classical  3  dimensional   Strain Gauges
                                                              A strain gauge is a transducer used for determining the amount of strain,
                                   Mounting  methods  are  very  or change in dimensions in a material when a stress is applied. When the
                                   important for an accelerometer.   transducer is stretched or strained its resistance changes.
                                   It is  normally  best not  to rely
                                   on  just one attachment method   The most common type of strain gauge is the foil gauge type. This is   Hardware
                                   from  a  reliability  point  of view.   effectively an insulated flexible backing that has a foil pattern upon it.
                                   The  mounting  method  for an   This foil pattern usually forms a 2 wire resistor. The gauge is attached to
                                   accelerometer  is  effectively  the structure under test by way of an adhesive. As the structure under
                                   an  undamped  spring  and  the   test is deformed the foil is also deformed. This deformation causes the
                                   frequency response effects of this   length of the foil pattern lines to change. This change in turn affects the
                                   spring  on  the frequency related   gauges resistance.
                                   magnitude of the measured   In  order to measure this  very small  change  the gauge  is  normally
        vibration must be considered. Consequently, there is no single attachment   configured in a Wheatstone bridge.
        method that is best for all cases. The most widely used attachment is a
        sticky wax, although super glue is also very popular. Both have different   Strain gauges are very sensitive to changes in temperature. To reduce
        frequency transmission characteristics as well as other advantages and   the effect of this potential corruption a Wheatstone bridge is used with
        disadvantages.                                        voltage supply sensing. This reduces the effect of temperature changes.
        Accelerometers  are probably  the most widely  used transducers in  any   Strain gauges are also available as thin film types and as semiconductor   System Packages
        investigative work on a structure of any kind. NVH (Noise, Vibration &   types. The thin film types are used in higher temperature applications
        Harshness)  testing  is  just  one  of  many  fields  that  make  use  of  them.   where they are applied directly on to the surface of the structure. This has
        If  there  is  a  requirement  to  find  the  frequency  of  a  vibration  then  an   the additional advantage of not disrupting airflow in aerodynamic design.
        accelerometer would be the obvious choice. It is important to make sure   The semiconductor types of gauges are referred to as piezoresistors.
        the frequency that is  being  investigated is  within  the usable  range  of   These gauges are used in preference to the resistive foil types when the
        the accelerometer  and  that the maximum  amplitude capability of the   strain is small. The piezoresistors are the most sensitive to temperature

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