Page 45 - Provoke Mag Vol5
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Prepping for the new life, Rob sat and did a Google search on the best places to raise a family and of course, the great state of Texas made the list with high rankings. Specifically, North Texas. A vacation trip was made and after 10 days their family was eager to make the move. His last undercover assignment was on New Year’s Eve and the next morning he turned in notice and hasn’t looked back. The utility business has created a good life for him, but his brag was that he isn’t rich although he maintains a life of fortune. “If you work hard enough you are bound to win.” He stated. Two years after relo- cating he was invited to a radio show and the producer put it out there that he had a hell of a story to tell based on his background and where he was today. The guy took it further and asked him if he would write a book. Rob instantly responded, it would be called The Bullet- proof Mindset. You can’t make it through situations that he has in good form without having the proper train of thought. None of his accomplishments came to frui- tion by second guessing or doubting. Everything was by showing up, thinking it through and wanting that end result. Whether it was to catch the culprit or recovering what was lost. He showed up day in and day out and kept his mindset straight. “Bad happens to all of us, it is how you react to it that makes the difference.” He started
his podcast in Arlington with 0 listeners to now over 10,000. Not only does he have his own show he is pro- viding a platform for others to build their own brands and podcasts. “God didn’t put you here to make money and pay bills, He put you here to make a difference.” Rob has retired 8 people from their full-time jobs and says he is always looking for number 9 and 10. He has partners internationally and is getting ready to open in Peru this spring. I asked him specifically if he thought that everyone should be an entrepreneur. He said every- one isn’t wired to be their own boss because it requires a lot of self-motivation. There is an 80/20 rule, that most will need to be told what to do. Things change in why people do what they do, if they want it bad enough they will find a way to do it. His proudest story was a woman that left her job within 5 months. He also encouraged a group of young people to offer virtual reality for law enforcement training. Reducing costs and assisting the public sector; called Survivor. “Having a job is cool, but you have to diversify!” I learned a lot and received may confirmations during my chat with Rob. His final word was this; “God put a dream in all of our hearts, and it is our responsibility to manifest that. Planet earth is the graveyard of dreams, so it takes those few who are brave enough to go after them.”
Wonderful talk! You can hear Rob with his partner Dale on the show at, Fridays, 11am to 1pm. 45