Page 44 - Travel Markets Insider October 2021 Final
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The Tairo team is one of three pillars that have spelled the company’s success, say Tania and Robert Bassan (seated).
Miami distributor Tairo celebrates Silver Anniversary and looks
back over the past 25 years
“It’s been a ride; I can’t believe relationships it has developed – and third pillar is our team. I have to say that
it is 25 years,” said Tairo International nurtured – over the past quarter century. we are very fortunate that we have had a
co-founder Robert Bassan at the start of “I was talking to the team today and fantastic team – a team that has been there
his reminiscing interview with TMI. The we realize how fortunate we are to have so for a long time. Some of our employees
Miami-based fragrance and cosmetics much to be thankful for over the 25 years have now been in the company close to 20
distributor, which handles the Caribbean we have been in business. We are thankful years,” says Bassan.
and Mexican duty free markets, is for an amazing group of customers who “Most of our employees have been
celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. have really supported us during these 25 with the company more than 10 years,
The company has made a major impact in years. It’s not a typical supplier-customer with an average of 15 years,” added Tania
its market since it was founded in 1996. relationship,” said Robert Bassan. Bassan. “We are really fortunate that we
From starting out by distributing “Our customers have become have had such longevity. It’s really a point
small independent European brands, the family to us, and really helped build our of pride with us.”
company grew to be the regional distributor company. They have been the biggest The Bassans give a special shout out
for beauty giant Coty (and P&G before it cheerleaders of our business, and in many to Tairo President Bryan Hollander: “Bryan
became part of Coty) and L’Oréal Luxe cases, our relationships with our suppliers has been an integral part of our growth,”
Travel Retail, among others. are the result of these same customers confirms Robert.
Bassan had actually grown up in the recommending us and telling the suppliers
business, as his father Mike Bassan worked about the good job that we were doing in Milestones
with electronics brands. Robert also got a the market. So we are very indebted for Tairo’s milestone events included
few years of spirits business under his belt that,” he said. the store managers, owners and beauty
before deciding to focus on fragrances. His “Our customers are not just the store advisors, noted Bassan.
wife and partner, Tania Bassan, meanwhile owners—it’s not just the buyers, it’s not “In addition to Tairo’s 5th anniversary
brought her prior teaching experience to just the Beauty Advisors, it’s not just the cruise, we’ve done quite a few of these
bear in designing top-rated trainings. store managers. It is every single one of the events in Miami, we’ve done them in
“I’ll never forget. I called around components of our clients that has helped Orlando; these have been real milestones
to see if people knew of any companies us to be the success that we have been over for our company,” said Bassan.
that were looking for distributors. I was these last 25 years,” adds Tania Bassan. Robert and Tania also consider their
woefully ignorant – thinking that every ground-breaking instore activities as an
manufacturer was looking for a distributor Three pillars integral part of the company history.
in the Caribbean!” he quipped. The Tairo owners say there are three “We’ve done so many trainings and
“It’s an interesting business, to say the pillars that have built the company. events in-store on the islands, enlisting
least,” Bassan continued. “The first pillar is our customers. many of the Beauty Advisors,” commented
The second is our suppliers. We really Tania Bassan. “We are in a very unique
Relationships at core of success have amazing partnerships with all of our market – I don’t think there is any other
Tairo is very proud about the special suppliers, for many, many years. And the market in the world where the owners of a
October 2021 44