Page 1 - The Summit of the Americas 2021
P. 1
Special Issue
Summit of the
April 2021
U.S. recovery could be on the horizon,
but contradictions abound INSIDE INSIDER
Global Ports Holding rushes to
transform Nassau into a home port
Rouge Duty Free enters St. Croix with
luxury store
In a vibrant and colorful promotion, Chinese dancers perform the Dragon Dance in front of the Penha store in Curaçao, as
the duty free retailer teamed up with Essence Corp and Shiseido to celebrate Chinese New Year. See full story on page 32.
As of the end of March, regional travel numbers and to forge ahead, opening new
more than 133 million people forecasts, including a summary of locations, mounting colorful
--about 30% of the adults in the the efforts being taken on behalf promotions and investing in
United States -- had received at of the industry by the associations innovations for increasing
least one dose of the coronavirus from the region – IAADFS, FDFA efficiencies as they prepare
vaccine, and President Joe Biden and ASUTIL --presented at a for the new normal. In a
announced that 90% of adults will Duty Free World Council webinar far-reaching interview, John
be eligible to get a vaccine within earlier this year. Gallagher speaks with Marcelo
the next three weeks. This is Cruising is facing its own Montico, CEO of Latin
promising news for the resumption impasse – the CDC refuses to American border operator Duty Free Global’s Barry Geoghegan
doubles down on travel retail worldwide
of consumer confidence and travel speed up its opening of U.S. Neutral by Luryx, about how
in this market. waters, so cruise lines are they—as new owners—view the
But rising numbers of bypassing U.S. ports with new future.
COVID-19 and its variants options. We investigate this On the Supply Side, TMI’s
are causing new restrictions development and talk about what Michael Pasternak speaks at
in South America, including a preparations these ports must take length with spirits distributors
resurgence in travel bans and to prepare for embarkations. serving the Americas market
national lockdowns. Even in the Clearly, changes in travel will from Canada to Argentina --
U.S., the head of the Centers for impact travel retail post-COVID who along with confectionery
Disease Control and Prevention and TMI invited some key experts powerhouse Otis McAllister,
is issuing dire warnings that the to discourse on various topics: and logistics specialist WTDC,
country could face a 4th wave of future trends, the watch sector, the confirm their commitment to
infections if it rushes to open too growing importance of wellness travel retail.
quickly. travel and how to fix broken brand MONARQ Group reaches customers
Against this backdrop, this ambassador programs. All this and more, Inside Insider, with digital innovations
issue of Travel Markets Insider Despite the crisis, some Lois Pasternak, Plus Products-People-Places
takes a deep look at global and operators and suppliers continued Editor/Publisher The Insider View
1 April 2021 The Virtual Summit of the Americas Issue