Page 17 - My Mom Speaks Broken English: My Lingustic Identity; Language and Literacy Project, UWRT 1103
P. 17


        My responses to the following questions are in paragraph form
        and are ordered in a way that I felt flowed most smoothly (not
        necessarily in order).
            1.  Why is it important to think about your literacy and
               language practices critically?  What can you learn by
               doing so?
            2.  What do you think is the most successful part of your
               paper/project?  Why?
            3.  What are you proud of in this paper/project?
            4.  What part of your paper/project would you like to work
               on more if you had the time?  Why?
            5.  What do you want your reader to notice or comment on
            6.  If you had to teach someone about writing based on
               your experience with this project, what advice do you
            7.  [If you did a multimodal project, please discuss why you
               think the multimodal option was the best choice for you.
               Why did you compose in the genre you chose?

            When considering the importance of literacy and language,
        it is important to note that these practices are not only an aspect
        of communication, but also essential defining factors in both the
        social and cultural sphere as well.  Due to this fact, language and
        literacy are a means by which one can explore various social
        factors as well, such as socioeconomic status, race, culture,
        and/or geographical background.  These are the types of social
        aspects that I hoped to portray through my own Literacy and
        Language project.  My project revolved around the motif of
        revealing social assumptions that are associated with particular

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