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62. Audio Books
“Hi, I listen to Audible books in the car all the time. I have been very impressed by my new
2010 LaCrosse. Does it have any new stuff for listening to books?”
The agent should use the 2010 LaCrosse document and go to Hard Drive Device (HDD)>
Audio Book
The answer is: “The system can play back audio book content downloaded from® by either burning it to a CD or recording it to a USB storage device. is a provider of spoken word audio entertainment, information, and
educational programming. The use of the playback feature requires that the account be activated with the radio. For more information on creating an
account or how to activate the radio with your existing account, visit The activation process requires the Vehicle Identification
Number (VIN) of the vehicle.
Once activated, files can be transferred by burning them to a CD or by using a USB
storage device.
After inserting the USB or CD storage media, the following screen displays.”
Now that you have completed this module, you should be able to:
1. Identify the different types of Navigation systems
2. Describe basic functions of Navigations systems
3. Utilize various resources to assist customers
4. Describe Navigation systems
5. Explain the purpose and function of map discs
6. Explain how to address Navigation system inquiries and issues
7. Describe available Navigation resources
8. Identify the different types of navigation system calls
9. Select the correct document for the customer’s vehicle
10. Locate the information that applies to the customer’s question
Document Control
Change Page # Date
Release 08/18/14