Page 9 - The Insurance Times August 2024
P. 9

ance domains, the company said in a
         statement.                           India Inc show superior risk handling: ICICI Lombard
                                              Despite facing global headwinds and increased risk exposure in certain sec-
         CASHe said that with a direct insurance  tors, Indian enterprises have demonstrated resilience and strategic advance-
         broker licence, it can now sell insur-  ments, leading to improved risk management scores. The fourth edition of
         ance products across diverse catego-
                                              the ICICI Lombard Corporate India Risk Index 2023, a study conducted in
         ries from all insurance companies op-  collaboration with Frost and Sullivan, shows an improvement in the risk in-
         erating in India, including life and gen-
                                              dex score from 63 in 2022 to 64 in 2023.
         eral insurance such as health and ve-
         hicle.                               Of the 20 sectors covered in the 2023 Risk Index nine sectors showed 'Supe-
                                              rior' handling of risks, including telecom and communication, pharmaceuti-
         The company will provide essential ser-
                                              cals, healthcare delivery, automotive and ancillary, manufacturing, FMCG,
         vices such as policy recommendations,  media and gaming, new age and start-up and tourism and hospitality. The
         claims assistance, and customized risk  BFSI sector showed significant improvements in cyber security measures but
         management solutions as well as in-  remained susceptible to global economic volatility.
         stant quotes and online purchasing
         options for personalized customer ex-
         periences.                         Insurers to pay GST on sale        In such a case, since the insurance com-
                                                                               pany has to dispose of the property, the
                                            of  salvage after settling
         Future Generali to recruit                                            outward GST liability on disposal or sale
                                            claims                             of the salvage is to be discharged by the
         more specially-abled per-                                             insurance companies.
                                            The GST (Goods and Services Tax) coun-
         sons                               cil has clarified the taxability of wreck
         Future Generali India Insurance ex-  and salvage values in motor insurance Insured  losses  from
         pects specially-abled persons (Persons  claims, stating that general insurers  crowdstrike outage could
         with Disabilities or PwD) to account for  have to pay GST liability in case of dis-
         nearly  one  per  cent  of  its  total  posal or sale of the salvage after set-  reach $1.5 billion
         workforce, which is estimated at close  tling the claims.             Global insured losses from recent mas-
         to 4,000 employees, by December    Salvage value refers to the value of  sive IT outage are likely to range from
         2024. The general insurance company  damaged or destroyed property that  $400 million to $1.5 billion, cyber
         is also looking to on-board more people  can be recovered and sold after an in-  analytics firm CyberCube said.
         from the LGBTQIA+ community with a  surance claim has been settled. This  A software bug in cyber security firm
         view to create a diverse workforce  clarification came in response to re-  CrowdStrike's quality-control system
         within the organisation.           quests from industry players seeking  caused  the  software  update  that
                                                                               crashed computers globally, the U.S.
         According to Anup Rau, MD and CEO,  clarity on salvage value.         firm said this week, as losses mount
         Future Generali India Insurance, "from  There have been representations from  following disruption to services from
         around seven employees at the end of  stakeholders seeking clarification as to  aviation to banking. The outage may
         December 2022,  we  now  have  on  whether, in the case of motor vehicle  be the single largest cyber insurance
         board 27 specially-abled persons across  insurance, GST is payable by the insur-  loss, CyberCube said in a statement.
         various functions and we are hoping to  ance company on salvage or wreckage  It was "a major event for the cyber
         close this calendar year at around 40  value earmarked in the claim assess-  insurance market but does not come
         employees."                        ment of the damage caused to the   close to the destructive potential that
         As per Census 2011, PwDs account for  motor vehicle.                  leading insurers are holding capital
         close to 2.21 per cent (2.68 crore) of  The tax authorities explained that in  against", CyberCube said.
         the  country's  total  population  of  situations where the insurance con-  Insurer Parametrix estimated insured
         around 121 crore. Only seven out of the  tract provides for the settlement of  losses from the outage of $540 million
         Nifty 50 companies had over one per  claims on full Insured's Declared Value  to $1.08 billion for Fortune 500 com-
         cent PwD on their rolls during FY23,  (IDV) without deducting salvage or  panies, excluding Microsoft, whose
         with four out of them being in the pub-  wreckage value, the property will be-  computer software was affected by the
         lic sector space.                  long to the insurance company.     CrowdStrike bug.

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