Page 45 - The Insurance Times November 2024
P. 45

To port your policy, you Rs. 12 lakh and Rs. 5 lakh in a year,  When you move from insurer A to insurer B, you get to port
          the policy will honour both the hospitalisation bills in full.  the benefits accrued, if any, but not the specific features of
          This reset benefit will not get triggered for the first claim.  the policy. Every insurance product has some unique
                                                              features, so it's essential to clearly understand the policies'
          Riders add Weight
                                                              features to know what you are leaving behind and what
          There are interesting riders with the policy that are made  additional benefits you will be acquiring. You must correctly
          available upon additional payments, apart from the regular  disclose all the details about your medical and claims history,
          premiums.                                           too, to avoid any hassles of non-disclosure.

          For those who haven't opted for the unlimited cover in the  In a recent circular, the IRDAI has allowed policyholders to
          base policy, there is the option to take an add-on called  port their policies within specified timelines. Both the
          infinite care that pays for bills in excess of the sum assured  acquiring and existing insurers are responsible for seamlessly
          should send a portability request, initiated 45 days before
                                                              transferring all your details and claim history.
          renewal. This request will typically be accompanied with
          submitting a new proposal and portability forms.    As a policyholder, you can be in advanced economies.
                                                              Elevate offers worldwide cover for up to the sum assured,
          Once the new insurer receives your portability request, they
                                                              subject to a maximum of Rs. 3 crore. There will be a two
          will approach the existing insurer to verify your medical and
                                                              year waiting period in case of regular claim. But there will
          claims history. Following verification, the new insurer might  be no waiting period for accidental emergencies.
          accept, propose restricted covers or reject the request
          based on their underwriting guidelines.             Unique Aspects
          Before porting your policy, review the policy terms and  Overall, ICICI Lombard's Elevate has refreshingly unique
          conditions, and coverage details of new policy thoroughly.  features and most importantly, the premiums aren't priced
          Look for a policy without too many restrictions on coverage.  expensively considering the higher coverage on offer.
          However, this add-on will be available only once during the  A high age of entry, other add-ons such as those on inflation
          lifetime of the policy. Then there is a PowerBooster rider  protection, maternity benefits and so on are quite well-
          that gives guaranteed super bonus. So, 100 per cent of the  thought-out.
          annual sum assured is added each year when this rider is
                                                              Policyholders can opt for as high a sum assured as possible
          taken, even if a claim is made.
                                                              from the available options or even take the unlimited cover
          The bonus can be accumulated without any upper limit. But  choice.
          if you opt out of this add-on, all additions made thus far will
                                                              Many of the add-ons offering higher bonus amounts, wider
          be withdrawn.
                                                              cover and shorter waiting periods are also worth exploring
          Pre-existing diseases have a 36-month waiting period, while  entitled to transfer the credits you have earned, including
          specified ailments have a 24month waiting period.   the sum insured, no-claim bonus, specific waiting periods,
                                                              waiting  periods  for  pre-existing  diseases,  and  the
          But with the JumpStart addon, the health insurance policy
          allows coverage for six specified illnesses - asthma, diabetes,  moratorium period, from your existing insurer to the
          hypertension, hyperlipidemia, obesity and coronary artery  acquiring insurer in your new policy.
          disease - covered with a waiting period of just 30 days.  However, frequent porting of your policy could be a

          With international travel becoming common for both work  cumbersome task. Hence, it's essential to identify the
          and leisure purposes, a global health cover becomes  problems  you  faced  and  try  to  clarify  your  exact
          essential, given how costly medical expenses        requirements with your insurer.

          Many people switch insurers because the second insurer  But once you have decided to port your policy, do a thorough
          offers a lower premium, but this lower premium usually  research on insurers including their offerings, claims service
          comes at the cost of restricted coverage. It is imperative to  history, their hospital network, whether they meet your
          understand the coverage extended by the new insurer,  product and service expectations, and overall reputation of
          including the limits and sub-limits capped by the insurer. This  the insurer. This will help you opt for the insurer that best
          will help avoid confusion during claims.            suits your exact requirements. BusinessLIne

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