Page 19 - The Insurance Times May 2021
P. 19

Ms. Shrivastav concludes: “The uniform  the main consequences of the  Amrita Sheela, Insurance Analyst at
         clauses set by the regulator will  pandemic was that it forced people  GlobalData, comments: “Malaysian life
         provide more confidence to the     and businesses to operate solely online.  insurance industry is driven by retail
         policyholders when purchasing a new  This therefore posed a risk to the  consumer segment, which accounted
         product, as the risk of being deprived  broker channel, and increased the  for over 90% of total premiums in
         will be lower. This will benefit insurers  pressure for these direct channels to  2020Indonesia. The economic
         in generating new business premiums  strengthen. Fortunately, the success of  slowdown and uncertainty triggered by
         and in retaining customers.”       this new online operation in fact  the COVID-19 pandemic restricted
                                            allowed insurers the opportunity to  consumer spending and impacted life
         UK brokers believe COVID-          reach their customers directly with  insurance business. As a result, life
                                            ease, which was particularly beneficial  insurance industry grew by 4% in 2020
         19 has strengthened                for personal and small business lines.”  against 9% growth registered in 2019.”
         customer relationships             However, the pandemic has exposed  New business premiums declined by
         The COVID-19 pandemic forced       some lack of understanding from people  3.2% in 2020, compared to 14.15%
         businesses to operate solely online, and  and businesses as to exactly what they  growth in 2019. This was mainly due
         this has had a more positive impact on  were insured for. There have been  to the lockdown restrictions in the first
         brokers in the UK than was previously  disputes between insurers and small  half of 2020. The gradual opening of
         expected. The success of this new  businesses over business interruption  economic activities and increased
         online operation provided insurers with  payouts, for example. This should  digitization helped recovery in the
         the opportunity to reach their     benefit brokers greatly, as businesses of  second half of 2020.
         customers directly with ease, which  all sizes will be scarred by the pandemic  Premium income from renewals, on
         was particularly beneficial for personal  and will want to ensure they are  the other hand, increased by 6.32% in
         and small business lines. UK brokers  covered if a similar situation arises again.  2020, compared to 7.49% in 2019.
         are boasting stronger relationships as                                Renewals in 2020 were supported by
         a result and are in contact with   Carey-Evans adds: “The need for    benefits offered by insurers such as
         insurers more now compared to pre-  expertise and advice looks likely to  discounts on premiums and extension
         pandemic, finds GlobalData, a leading  increase as businesses return to  on premium renewal dates, helping
         data and analytics company.        normality, and that is backed up by just  customers continue their insurance
                                            under half (49.4%) of brokers’
         GlobalData’s 2021 UK Commercial                                       coverage during the pandemic.
                                            customers enquiring about gaps in
         Brokers Survey found that over half  their cover.”                    Furthermore, increased awareness
         (52%) of respondents stated they                                      and COVID-19 assistance offered by
         contacted customers more often now  Life insurance industry in        life insurance policies encouraged
         than prior to the pandemic. Just under                                policyholders to renew their policies.
         half (47.8%) believed their relationships Malaysia  to      reach     The recent measures announced by the
         with customers had strengthened    US$15.7bn in 2025                  government in 2021 budget allowing
         because of the pandemic, while only                                   withdrawal of Employees' Provident
         17% believed it had deteriorated for  The life insurance industry in Malaysia  Fund to purchase life and critical illness
         this reason. Furthermore, 49.4% of  is projected to grow from MYR50.70bn  cover and introduction of ‘Perlindungan
         brokers said their clients were more  (US$11.98bn) in 2020 to MYR65.86bn  Tenang’ voucher program providing
         interested in learning about coverage  (US$15.68bn) in 2025, in terms of gross  simple and affordable microinsurance
         gaps since the pandemic. This will be  written premium, according to  products to low-income groups are
         particularly encouraging for insurers  GlobalData, a leading data and  expected to support demand for life
         looking to grow business after a tough  analytics company.            insurance policies.
         2020, as customers are expressing  GlobalData has revised Malaysia’s  Ms Sheela concludes: “Malaysian life
         interest in expanding coverage.    insurance forecast in the aftermath of  insurers have been successful in
         Ben Carey-Evans, Insurance Analyst at  COVID-19 outbreak. As per the latest  mitigating the impact of COVID-19 by
         GlobalData, comments: “This is     data, Malaysian life insurance industry  tailoring policies and offering flexibility
         extremely encouraging data for     is expected to grow at a compounded  to customers. This, along with policy
         brokers, who would have had to work  annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.38%  support from the government, will
         really hard at client relationships  between 2020 and 2025, due to the  help drive the adoption of life insurance
         throughout a very trying 2020. One of  gradual economic recovery.     in the country.”  T

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