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         Benefits of AI for banking sector                    provide personalised, value-added products to customers as
                                                              it learns about spending habits over time.
         Fraud detection: Anomaly detection can be used to increase
         the accuracy of credit card fraud detection and anti-money
                                                              With all this information, banks can now deliver organized
                                                              financial services and advice better than ever before with
                                                              the help of AI-based decision making. By tapping into
         Customer Support and Helpdesk:  Humanoid Chatbot
                                                              customer profiles and preferences, banks can package
         interfaces can be used to increase efficiency and reduce cost
                                                              products and services together based on personalised
         for customer interactions.
                                                              needs.Banks can now develop more products affiliated with
                                                              greater customer loyalty and lifetime value. Whereas, for
         Risk Management: Tailored products can be offered to
                                                              consumers, they can benefit from the convenience of
         clients by looking at historical data, doing risk analysis, and
                                                              working with a trusted organisation that understands their
         eliminating human errors from hand-crafted models.
                                                              personal requirements.
         Security: Suspicious behaviour, logs analysis, and spurious
                                                              As the adoption of AI-based decision making tools grow,
         emails can be tracked down to prevent and possibly predict
                                                              relationship managers will be able to more accurately and
         security breaches.
                                                              consistently assist a customer with the best products and
         Digitization and automation in back-office processing:  services for managing personal finances.Relationship
         Capturing documents data using OCR and then using    managers will also be able to analyse a customer's banking
         machine learning/AI to generate insights from the text data  experience on existing channels. Doing so will allow banks
         can greatly cut down back-office processing times.   to determine how effectively their current processes
                                                              operate, whether there are any impediments for instance.
         Wealth management for masses: Personalized portfolios  They will then be able to model and implement process
         can be managed by Bot Advisors for clients by taking into  optimisation across their entire physical, web, digital, and
         account lifestyle, appetite for risk, expected returns on  mobile channels to serve customers more effectively, and
         investment etc.                                      provide an enhanced  customer experience.

         ATMs:  Image/face recognition using real-time camera  Starting from computerization, the Indian Banking System has
         images and advanced AI techniques such as deep learning  transformed radically and witnessed a gigantic leap from
         can be used at ATMs to detect and prevent frauds/crimes.  Paper Banking to Palm Banking. With the introduction of
                                                              advance technology like AI in banking arena, there is no iota
         In order to provide a sustainable high-level of customer  of doubt that the same can revolutionize the way of Banking
         engagement, banks need to gain full visibility of a customer's  in the days to come. However, looking to the manifestations
         history to understand their personal banking habits and  of bottlenecks at different juncture, this may take significant
         needs. Banks therefore require an integrated enterprise  amount of time to reap the benefits of AI in banking and brick-
         system that consolidates customer data from all sources,  and-mortar banking may still continue for some more years.
         from apps and APIs to third parties, which can then use AI
         to provide real-time recommendations to increase loyalty,  References:
         retention, and value.                                Y
         This combination of AI and omni channel decision making  Y
         can add value to the overall customer experience.Real-time
         transaction analysis is crucial, it enables banks to collate
         data and track transactions at low latency. This not only gives
         banks a better view of their customers, it would also give  Y
         them the dataset required to apply AI and deep learning to  Y  Report2018.World Economic Forum. T

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