P. 31


         supervisory outline and such NBFCs should also be subject  Middle Layer (ML): This layer contains of NBFCs which are
         to obligatory listing requirements.                  currently grouped as Non-Deposit taking-Systemically
                                                              Important (NBFC-ND-SI), Deposit-taking NBFCs, Housing
         Four shades of pyramid                               Finance Companies, Infrastructure Finance Companies,
                                                              Infrastructure Debt Funds, Standalone Primary Dealers and
         In preceding five years, size of balance sheet of NBFCs has
                                                              Core Investment Companies. Although no amendments are
         more than doubled from Rs. 20.72 lakh crore (2015) to
                                                              prescribed in capital requirements for NBFC-ML the Apex
         ?49.22 lakh crore (2020). Due to marvelous progress in the
                                                              bank has mentioned that connection of their exposure limits
         NBFC sector in recent years, the RBI has proposed a stiffer
                                                              are planned to be altered from Owned Funds to Tier I
         monitoring plan for the sector by creating a four-tier
                                                              capital, as is presently relevant for banks. The existing credit
         configuration with a progressive increase in concentration
                                                              concentration limits suggested for NBFC-ML for their
         of directive.
                                                              advancing and investment can be combined into a single
                                                              exposure threshold of 25 per cent for the single borrower
         Base Layer (BL): As per the discussion paper, the nature of
                                                              and 40 per cent for a group of borrowers attached to the
         activity will be the base for determining the base layer
                                                              NBFC's Tier 1 capital.
         NBFCs. Therefore, NBFC-BL will consist of NBFCs which are
         presently categorized as non-systemically important NBFCs
                                                              Bearing in mind the misuse of the system by NBFCs in Initial
         (NBFC-Non deposit taking), besides Type I NBFCs which do
                                                              Public Offer (IPO) financing the discussion paper
         not have either access to public funds or customer interface,
                                                              recommended to fix a top limit of Rs. 1 crore per individual
         Peer to Peer lending platforms (NBFC P2P), Non-Operative
                                                              for any NBFC. However, they are allowed to choose more
         Financial Holding Company (NOFHC), Account Aggregators
                                                              conservative bounds. Further, a sub-ceiling within the
         (NBFC-AA) and NBFCs up to Rs. 1,000 crore (raised from Rs.
                                                              commercial real estate exposure limit should be set inside
         500 crore) asset size.
                                                              for funding the land purchase. As per the paper, a few curbs
         Around 9,209 NBFCs will be in the BL. Low level admission  are extended to NBFCs in ML, including not permitting them
         spot norms increase the likelihoods of failure resulting from  to offer finances to corporate entities for buy back of shares
         weak governance of non-serious players, the central bank  or securities and rules on sale of strained assets by NBFCs
         intends to amend these norms for NBFC-BL from Rs. 2 crore  will be altered on parallel lines as that for banks. The
         to Rs. 20 crore. The RBI suggests regularizing the existing  framework proposed that NBFCs with ten and more
         non-performing asset grouping norm of 180 days to 90 days  branches shall compulsorily be required to embrace Core
         for NBFC-BL. The RBI mentioned that these NBFCs are  Banking Solution. The paper suggested an unchanging term
         dubious to pose any systemic risk on account of their  of three successive years applicable for statutory auditors
         activities and hence they can be controlled comparatively  of the NBFC and functionally autonomous Chief Compliance
         lightly.                                             Officer should be employed.

                                                              Upper Layer (UL): This layer will be a new layer for regulation
                                                              and consists of NBFCs which are recognized as systemically
                                                              significant among them and will invite a new supervisory
                                                              framework. This layer will be filled by NBFCs which have a
                                                              large capacity of systemic spill-over of risks and can influence
                                                              fiscal constancy. It is projected that a total of not more than
                                                              25 to 30 NBFCs will fill this layer and monitoring structure
                                                              for NBFCs falling in this layer will be bank-like with proper

                                                              It is sensed that Common Equity Tier (CET) 1 capital could
                                                              be announced for NBFC-UL to improve the worth of

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