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         Vs. Central Bank of India [(2019)9SCC94] that SARFAESIA  the procedure of enforcement of securities.  In the case of
         cannot override rent control legislations, the import of  Mathew Varghese Vs. M. Amritha Kumar [2014 (2) SCALE
         which is that a tenant can be evicted as per the rent control  331], and GM Siddeshwara Cooperative Bank Ltd. Vs. Iqbal
         legislations alone which is time consuming and expensive.  [2013(4)CDR989(SC)], Supreme Court held that compliance
                                                              with these rules are mandatory in nature and violation of
         However, Parliament had not provided for determination of  the same renders the enforcement action to be null and
         tenancy, whether created before or after creation of  void.
         mortgage, on issuance of notice under Section 13(2) and it
         is because of such lacuna that the Supreme Court had held  These rules are very intricate and ambiguous.  It is
         that SARFAESIA did not override rent control legislations.  interesting to note that the proviso to Rule 9(2) states that
         [refer to the decision of Harshad Govardhan Sondagar cited  no sale shall be confirmed if the amount offered by sale
         above]. Further, instead, Parliament amended SARFAESIA  price is lesser than the reserve price whereas the second
         and inserted Section 17 (4A) providing thereby that where  proviso states that if the authorized officer fails to obtain a
         a person claims tenancy may approach Debt Recovery   price higher than the Reserve Price, such sale can effected
         Tribunal and the DRT has been empowered to verify as to  with the consent of the borrower and the Secured Creditor.
         whether the lease or tenancy (a) had expired or stood  Hence, it is not clear whether a tender/bid received exactly
         determined, (b) is contrary to Section 65-A of the Transfer  matching the reserve price can be given effect to or not. In
         of Property Act, 1882, (c) is contrary to the terms of  the case of K. Ramaselvam Vs. Indian Overseas Bank [AIR
         mortgage or (d) is created after issuance of notice under  2010 MAD 93] and in the case of A. Varalaxmi Vs. Punjab
         Section 13(2) of the Act; and pass orders as it may deem fit.  National Bank, it was held by the Madras High Court that
         Therefore, in cases where the issue of enforcement of  in the event of acceptance of bid on exactly Reserve price,
         security by Banks and lease/tenancy of lessees/tenants is  the consent of the borrower was necessary.
         involved, the jurisdiction of rent control courts is now vested
         in DRT instead of rent control/civil courts.         However, in the case of Varghese Ukken Vs. State Bank of
                                                              India [AIR 2011 KER.41], Kerala High Court and in the case
         But, Section 17 (4A) provides that the DRT has been  of K. Sundar Babu Vs. Union of India, Karnataka High Court
         empowered to examine about the genuineness or otherwise  had held that no such consent of the borrower was
         of the tenancy/lease of the tenants/lessees on filing of  necessary.  The decision of the Karnataka and Kerala High
         application before the DRT by any person who claims such  Courts appears to be sound. It is very difficult to get bids for
         rights upon the secured assets, i.e., tenants/lessees.  But,  the secured assets and as such following Madras High Court's
         there is no provision in the Act for the Secured Creditor  decision would further stall and delay the recovery action
         Banks to file application against a tenant or alleged tenant  of the Banks. Therefore, there is a case for amendment of
         for determination of his tenancy rights.  If a tenant/lessee  the rule 9(2) to provide for that only when a bid is not equal
         does not approach the DRT nor handover possession of the  to or higher than the Reserve Price that the consent of the
         property, the secured creditor has no other remedy but to
         wait indefinitely for him to adopt such measures and since
         the jurisdiction about tenancy is now vested with the DRT,
         the CMM/DM or Civil courts cannot exercise jurisdiction to
         decide about tenancy wherever claim of tenancies are
         involved. This would indefinitely delay the proceedings.
         Therefore, Section 17 (4A) of SARFAESIA may be amended
         to enable a secured creditor also to move the DRT against
         the tenant/lessee for adjudicating their tenancy/lease rights.

         Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules,

         2002 :
         In aid of the Act, elaborate rules have been framed detailing

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