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         Results-oriented goals broadly include the           3) Develop and exercise analytic skills directed at
         following:                                              answering "the why and the what." This may mean
                                                                 spending more time on so-called translational work like
         1) Correctly assessing staff requirement, skill set, job role
                                                                 training business leaders, planning and implementing HR
                                                                 practices that effectively execute strategy, and helping
         2) Developing and maintaining competitive pay and       teams manage change and then on transactional work
             benefits at par with industry standards.            like  recruitment, training, human resource information
         3) Managing performance and designing a rewards system  systems and other traditional HR functions
             that keeps employees motivated and developing    4) Conduct a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
             yardsticks to measure and quantify performance.     threats (SWOT) analysis of their organizations. The
         4) Knowing about strategies and techniques competitors  SWOT approach offers a clearer picture of customers,
             are using to recruit and retain talent.             markets and competitors.
         5) Providing training, including ethics, which reinforces
             corporate values and instill a sense of responsibility  How to align hr function with organiza-
             towards corporate goals.                         tions business strategy?
                                                              For HR departments of organization , intradepartmental
         The strategic planning process begins with           strategic planning can be a good way to start the functional
         some critically analytical questions like:           alignment process. However, regardless of whether
         1) Where is the organization now? - Reply to this question  strategic planning begins in the HR department or in
             is expected to assess the current situation.     another department, or is managed on an organization wide
                                                              scale, the actions of the HR department will be integral to
         2) Where do we want to be? -  Reply to this question is
                                                              the success of the strategic plan. Thus, HR professionals
             expected to Envision and articulate a desired future.
                                                              must take care to align the HR function with every aspect
         3) How organization will get there? - Reply to this question  of the strategic plan, even if the strategic plan does not
             is expected to Formulate and implement a strategy and  explicitly address HR issues.
             strategic objectives.
         4) How will we know if we are on track toward our    Recent SHRM research reveals that HR professionals foresee
             intended destination - Reply to this question is expected  significant workplace challenges, including rising health care
             to establish a mechanism to evaluate progress in  costs, the retirement of large numbers of Baby Boomers and
             allotted task or project.                        the increased demand for work/life balance. Retention
                                                              programs, work/life programs, succession planning, and
         How to assess current situation?                     health, safety and security programs are among the HR
                                                              efforts that are viewed as key workplace challenges through
         Being a strategic business partner means carrying out HR
         activities with perspective of attaining long-range goals of
         the organization in mind. To do this following below
         mentioned strategies can be helpful:
         1) Try to clearly understand how the various
             organizational components interact and recognize the
             long-term implications of HR decisions. The impact of
             HR decisions must be thoroughly researched and
             analyzed before changes are implemented.
         2) Have a deep insight of business basics, including finance,
             marketing, sales, operations and IT and all other back
             office or key tasks. These skills help with budgeting and
             with maintaining a workforce with the correct mix of

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