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         Y   Do employees throughout the company understand   Institute, only 3 percent of executives polled said their
             how these objectives affect them and how they    organizations were very successful at executing corporate
             contribute independently and collectively to the defined  strategy, whereas 62 percent stated their organizations
             objectives?                                      were moderately successful. However, the companies that
         Y   Are the strategic objectives realistic and feasible?  reported relatively high success in strategy execution were
                                                              more likely to realize favorable revenue growth, market
             Unrealistic objectives typically result in disappointment
             for all involved.                                share, profitability and customer satisfaction.
         Y   Have timelines for benchmarking progress and targets  Though every organization has its own strategy execution
             for completed objectives been set?               challenges, this study found that mastering the following
         Y   Will the organization realistically be able to identify the  areas is essential to successfully implement strategic plans:
             success or lack of success in the accomplishment of  1) Clarity of communication.
             strategic objectives in some quantitative fashion?  2) Alignment of practices.
         Y   Can the strategic objectives be linked back to the  3) Leadership.
             organization's overall strategy?
                                                              4) An adaptive organizational infrastructure.
         For example, A Company X , may identify in its strategic  5) Resource management.
         planning analysis a need to improve the talent acquisition
         process. The strategic objective to address this issue is to  The single greatest barrier to executing strategy is the lack
         design selection criteria to ensure best-fit hiring while  of adequate resources, the study found.
         reducing the time-to-fill positions.
                                                              Monitoring and Evaluation
         Once a key initiative is identified, the organization  The final step should be establishing a mechanism to monitor
         should do the following:                             and evaluate progress toward the achievement of strategic
         A) Continuously ensure that the objective and action plan  objectives. Most organizations conduct annual or quarterly
             are aligned with the organizational and HR strategy.  strategic reviews for this purpose. These reviews do the
         B) Identify the primary actions required to achieve the  following:
             objective.                                       1) Determine whether the organization is on track to
                                                                 achieve key objectives.
         C) Set milestones for each action, and plan for
             contingencies.                                   2) Provide the opportunity to identify and adapt to
                                                                 significant internal or external changes that affect the
         D) Identify the required resources, including budget and  strategic plan.
                                                              3) Update annual action priorities.
         E) Establish success measures.
         F)  Communicate key messages.                        Some organizations may find that systems or tools such as
                                                              balanced scorecards, benchmarking and dashboards are
         Ultimately, a strategic objective is only as good as the  helpful for keeping focus and monitoring results which are
         overall strategic plan.                              found as output.

         At this step of the strategic planning process, the focus is  Conclusion
         on specifying short-term answers to the question "How do
         we get there?" Specific, concrete short-term objectives that  Thus, it is needless to mention that role of HR as a strategic
         can be completed within six months to a year should be  partner is critical and inevitable in success of any organization
         established to answer this question.                 and the organization failing to take strategic HR decisions are
                                                              bound to fail or even they can succumb to survive.
         Although many organizations engage in strategic planning,
         very few of them believe they are highly successful at  References
         strategy execution. According to a survey by the American  1)  RANDOM RESEARCHES ON GOOGLE SEARCH
         Management Association and the Human Resources       2)  SHRM.ORG. T

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