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         relationship between the parties. If the government  In the event of a force majeure and/or the change in the
         intervenes in contract farming agreements frequently,  policy of government, the affected party, to the extent of
         buyers may back out.                                 adverse impact, shall not be bound to honour the agreement
                                                              and can accordingly alter the terms with mutual consent or
         The ordinance delegates dispute resolution to the executive  terminate the agreement. However the Ordinance leaves
         (Sub-Divisional Magistrate), who will not be bound by rules  out many sophisticated aspects of modern contract farming
         of procedure. This gives the government more powers than  practices, like delayed deliveries or purchases, and damage
         the parties in the case. That would not happen if disputes  therein.
         were required to go to the judiciary. Also it seems likely that
         individual farmers might not find themselves equipped or  4. Inefficient price discovery as ordinance links
         powerful enough to negotiate with big corporates or
                                                              the price with APMC mandi price
         sponsors to ensure a fair price for their produce.
         Approaching the office of Sub-Divisional Magistrate might  The ordinance links the contract price with the APMC mandi
         be a hurdle for millions of small and marginal farmers who  price or electronic market price, which is anti-contract
         might get into a farming agreement with a powerful entity.  farming in nature. The price, like many other basic aspects
                                                              of contract, should be left to the parties to negotiate and
         2. Ordinance could lead to disruption of             shouldn't be tied to any other channel, especially the APMC
                                                              price, as the very rationale for bringing this law was to
         ongoing practice of Informal Agreements.
                                                              provide alternative channels to farmers and create
         Giving legal sanction to contract farming would help  competition in APMC markets, as price discovery was not
         corporates enter the agriculture sector and may increase
                                                              efficient. Now, going back to the same mandi does not speak
         productivity. But would it help the tenant farmers and share  very well of the Ordinance.
         croppers? The ordinance has little to offer to the millions of
         farmers who are currently engaged in contract farming
         through informal agreements.                         Conclusion
                                                              This farming agreement Ordinance is a bold step by the
         Some form of registration of these tenant farmers without  government towards agricultural development. By providing
         threatening landowners would have been a huge land   the legal framework to contract farming enables to solve
         reform waiting to happen. Instead, the new ordinance could  many agricultural related issues. This Ordinance provides a
         lead to disruption in this ongoing practice of contract  uniform framework for private investment in market,
         farming. The absentee landlord would now prefer to deal  without challenging a farmer's ownership right or right to
         with written contracts of a company over the hassle of  cultivate. This reform has a great potential to improve
         dealing with local tenants.                          farmers conditions and contribute to achieve our Prime
                                                              Ministers ambitious target to double the farmers income by
         3. Design of contract needs to relook                2022. There are certain concerns in the ordinance in respect
         The farm-gate pick-up of produce by buyers has been made  of dispute resolution and inefficient price discovery, however
         mandatory, which was unnecessary. The parties should be  government is confident that the Ordinance definitely will
         able to decide themselves whether the farmer will deliver  bring new revolution in agriculture sector in coming years.
         the produce at factory gate, collection centre, or whether
         the buyer would pick up the produce from the farm.   References
         The ordinance says that the quality parameters can be  Y
         mutually decided by the two parties in the agreement. But
         the quality aspect will become crucial when a few
         corporates will try to usher in uniformity which might end
         up adversely impacting the already skewed agro-ecological  Y
         diversity in the country.                            Y  Agriculture & Industry survey, May 2016. T

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