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         opportunities a finance institution opens up for the  We also find that women are a significant segment of society
         upliftment, empowerment, and development of women.   that works mainly in an unorganized environment. The
         Data from the 2017 report on the gender gap in financial  Periodic Labor Force Survey (2018-2019) found that there
         literacy by the Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center  had been an unequal distribution of gender in domestic
         showed that only 20 percent of women recognized the  activities. The lockout imposed by COVID-19 further
         economic concept (offset of 8 percentage over male). In  compounded the situation. Women come to retain risky,
         most developed countries that had high overall financial  unsafe, and stigmatized jobs as front-line health workers,
         literacy, the difference was higher. Financial literacy makes  waste pickers, domestic workers concerning regular
         people effective at budgeting, saving, spending control, debt  employment, but the government-mandated minimum
         management, participating in financial markets, planning  wage wasn't paid to them.
         for retirement and accumulating wealth, and considering
         the humongous role played by women in anchoring families.  These could shallow their development, personally,
                                                              professionally, and financially. Although women are getting
         There are a variety of possible explanations why women are  opportunities to move beyond household activities, their
         not generally comfortable with finance. Primarily, the peer  personal and professional development is still undermined.
         group and social pressure may not encourage them to
         engage in investment-related discussions. Secondly, from  In addition to being treated with low pay, they are often
         the role models they see, they seem to believe that financial  subject to oppressive working conditions, less or no benefits,
         management is the domain of men. Even when women know  and unsafe environments. Industries and cooperative
         about financial products, they may not invest appropriately.  societies leverage a large population of women and add
         Part of that has to do with the fact that women always look  them to their workforce because it involves minimal
         at wealth differently.                               spending.

         For instance, they may perhaps be more attentive towards  Of course, with the evolution of many professional
         saving than investing. Some do not trust the information  educational institutions and campus placements, there is a
         provided by financial institutions or feel secure about  paradigm shift in the employment and growth potential for
         transactional services. More often, the advice generally is  women in highly paid jobs, that too at an early age.
         essentially geared towards men. For example, studies in  Nevertheless, interactions with financially well-placed young
         developed countries have found that the language used by  women employees in different sectors throw a similar
         investment enablers was more focused on returns-oriented  pattern. Investment decisions other than linear are left to
         (which suits men) rather than risk-mitigation (the concern  their male support system.
         of women).
                                                              Financial service providers need to take time to
         Further, women may find themselves late in investing due  communicate with women, both as customers and
         to the multitude of family pressure situations and get into  employees, to relate and interact with them from their
         the picture mostly when they are vulnerable. For example,  respective perspectives. With the Kantar study touching
         when the spouse is not in good health or when a crisis occurs,  women's opportunity costs, financial service firms risk losing
         the responsibility might get delegated to them, but that is  $782 billion in women's potential investable assets. Inside
         not by choice but through compulsion. They are also at risk  the retail walls, the ambeance, lighting, and the usual
         of being misdirected by commission-based advisors who do  banking jargon can have an intimidating effect on women
         not have the best advice suited for women's financial  customers.
         knowledge and risk-taking ability. Stereotypes can also be
         at play, which can lead women to get ultra-conservative  However, women are far more receptive to advertising that
         advice. Consequently, though they have the potential to take  shows diverse groups of people than only one group, with
         risks early in their careers, they may stick to low-risk  emotional messages and showcasing women as role models
         instruments that yield low returns.                  for investing and financial planning. Hence, probably, the

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