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         optimal approach that financial service providers can Bibliography:
         leverage to develop lasting relationships with women  1.  Kohli, R. (2018), "Women & Banking: India's financial
         customers is by engaging more women in this sector.     inclusion suffers from a gender gap," https://
         Thus, from a deeper understanding, overall financial stability  2.  National Policy for the Empowerment of Women (2001),
         could only be accomplished by a substantial rise in women's
         income and investment-related freedom. To a great extent,  women-empowerment
         this would reduce all gender inequality and open a gateway  3.  Indian Sustainable Finance Movement, https://
         to a more inclusive society. Interestingly, an honest and
         highly beneficial endeavor towards this is seen in the financial
                                                              4.  Gupta, V., Hieronimus, S., Krishnan, M. & Madgavka, A.
                                                                 (2019), "Accelerating gender parity: What can
                                                                 governments do?"
         Most of the MFIs/SFBs are focusing exclusively on JLGs/SHGs
         that comprise women members only. They also encourage   accelerating-gender-parity-what-can-governments-do#
         small savings and micro-insurance, which, over some time,  5.  Arnold, J. & Gammage, S. (2019), "Gender and financial
         make them stand on their feet. To conclude, considering the  inclusion: the critical role for holistic programming,"
         multiple roles women play in life and the myriad        Development in Practice, Vol. 29(8), pp. 965-973.
         expectations, the gender disparity still prevailing in the  6.  Financial services: do more to attract female
         society in financial matters deserves a far more significant  customers,
         and deeper look.                                        financial-services-advertising-attract-female-clients. T

                Monetary policy tightening by RBI is several quarters away:

                                                 Former Dy Guv

           The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is expected to continue with its current accommodative stance to maintain sufficient
           liquidity in the system and monetary policy tightening is several quarters away as the economic revival has not reached
           the pre-Covid level, the apex bank's former deputy governor R Gandhi claimed. He said the low-interest rate regime
           will continue to support the economic activities. "In my assessment, normalisation or monetary policy tightening in
           India is several quarters away. Definitely, not in the current fiscal. Economy is reviving but we have not reached the
           absolute pre-Covid level of 2019-20," Gandhi said at an event organised by the Bengal Chamber of Commerce and
           "RBI will do (monetary policy tightening) when the economy will be growing sustainably," he said. The central bank
           had on August 6 kept interest rates unchanged at a record low as it chose to support economic revival over inflation.
           The six-member Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) voted in favour of retaining the main repurchase rate at 4 per cent
           but was split on continuing with the lower-for-longer stance.

           The RBI had last revised its policy rate on May 22, 2020, in an off-policy cycle to perk up demand by cutting the interest
           rate to a historic low. This was the seventh straight meeting when it maintained the status quo. But traders and analysts
           are seeing hints that India's central bank is seeking to drain record liquidity from the banking system, as it is increasingly
           shifting its forex intervention to the forwards market.
           Earlier this month, the apex bank governor Shaktikanta Das had said, "As markets settle down to regular timings and
           functioning and liquidity operations normalise, the RBI will also conduct fine-tuning operations from time to time as
           needed to manage unanticipated and one-off liquidity flows so that liquid conditions in the system evolve in a balanced
           and evenly distributed manner." The next meeting of the MPC is scheduled from October 6 to 8. Gandhi acknowledged
           that NBFCs will gradually garner larger banking market  share with more technological interventions. He also said low-
           interest rate regime will continue even though common people suffer due to decreasing deposit rates from banks.

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