P. 48


         WOMEN AND



         W             e are part of a society that continues to  Despite the intellectual, economic, and material progress

                       view women as the weaker section. The
                                                              that happened post the Second World War, a woman's role
                       age-old practices and norms always tended
                                                              continues to be restricted to the household- rearing children
                       to give little importance to women down
         on the scale of progress. Gender inequality is so entrenched  and taking care of all the household chores, even when
                                                              employed the family's finances. However, managing finances
         in families and society, maybe on a differentiated scale across  continues to be the sole preserve of men. However, with
         the country, influenced by the factors like literacy and  the enhancement in literacy standards and improved access
         affluence. The chain of patriarchy, which prevails in different  to formal education, the situation is changing, even though
         forms like the caste-based panchayats in certain parts of the
                                                             at a slow pace.
         country, pushes her down with minimal recognition in the
         society all along her life span. Even from a global perspective,
                                                             The lack of access to finance and the discrimination towards
         women have often been regarded as subservient to their
                                                             providing enablers to the women in financial management
         male counterparts. Across the world, the subordinate status
                                                             has negatively affected societal growth. The vast unbanked
         of women has had a deleterious impact on society's overall
         growth.                                             women population accentuated this. There, if we look at
                                                             every country's demographic profile, it can be observed the
                                                             most potent factor influencing financial stability is the
                               About the author              empowerment of women in fiscal matters.
                        Dr Bindu K Nambiar
                                                             A vast large majority of women are unaware or ignorant of
                        Faculty - Marketing
                        State Bank Institute of Consumer Banking  the benefits of financial stability. They are oblivious to the
                        (Erstwhile State Bank Staff College)  role played by the banks in reaching out to the last mile of
                        Hyderabad                            the society, especially women, and the wide-ranging

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