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         Explanation of Model I:                              as an intermediaries. The scale of operations is comparatively
         In this model the farmers are directly dealing with the buyer.  large where arthiyas are providing extension services and
         This model can be implemented for small scale of operations.  other services like loans and other inputs as per the
         The price of the commodity is fixed with the mutual  agreement terms. However there is lack transparency for
         agreement with the farmer and buyer. Generally buyer is  price fixation and exploitation of farmers may be possible.
         not providing any services unless and until it is agreed upon
         in the agreement.                                      Diagram-4 Contract Farming Model-IV

            Diagram-2 Contract Farming Model-II                                     Buyer


                                                                             Implementing Agency      Bank

                        NGO / Government body

                                                              Input like seeds,                  Loan for asset
                                                                  fertilizer,      Farmer        creation Asset/
                               Farmers                         working capital                    Life Insurance

         Explanation of Model II:
         In this model NGO or Government agency is involved as an  Explanation of Model IV:
         intermediary between farmer and buyer. Extension services  In this model the buyers are corporates and they appoint
         and other services are provided to the farmers at the  implementing agency to conduct the overall operations
         discretion of the NGO/Government body or as agreed in the  effectively. The operational cost is very high due to
         contract terms. There is no intention to make any profit  engagement of channel partner. Wide range of extension
         hence this model is considered a transparent contract  services and other inputs are being provided by the
         farming model.                                       implementing agency to farmers as per the agreement
                                                              terms. Farmers are availing financial services from the banks
           Diagram-3  Contract Farming Model-III              for creation of assets, getting asset insurance and life
                                                              insurance (in case animal husbandry like dairy business).
                                Buyer                         Contract farming practices followed by the corporates are
                                                              quite standard however there is always a question of
                                                              transparency as many times farmers interest is overlooked
                                                              for earning the profit for corporate.

                          Arthiyas as facilitator             Current Ordinance
                                                              Farming Agreement: The Ordinance provides for a farming
                                                              agreement prior to the production or rearing of any farm
                                                              produce, aimed at facilitating farmers in selling farm
                               Farmers                        produces to sponsors. A sponsor includes individuals,
                                                              partnership firms, companies, limited liability groups and
                                                              societies.  Such agreement may be between: (i) a farmer
         Explanation of model III:                            and a sponsor, or (ii) a farmer, a sponsor, and a third party.
         In this model traditional channels like Arthiyas are working  The role and services of any third party, including

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