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         aggregators (one who acts as an intermediary between  amount over and above the guaranteed price, including
         farmer(s) and sponsor to provide aggregation related  bonus or premium.  The price references may be linked to
         services), involved will have to be explicitly mentioned in the  the prevailing prices or any other suitable benchmark prices.
         agreement.   State governments may establish a registration  The method of determining any prices including guaranteed
         authority to provide for the electronic registry of farming  prices and additional amount will be provided in the farming
         agreements.                                          agreement.

         The farming agreement may stipulate the timely supply of  Delivery and payment: The Ordinance provides that the
         inputs by the sponsor to the farmer before the start of  sponsor will be responsible for all preparations for the timely
         cropping season to carry out farming operations, the farmer  acceptance of deliveries and will take deliveries within the
         will supply the products at the farm gate or mutually agreed  agreed time.  In case of seed production, the sponsor will
         other place at agreed price.                         pay at least two-third of the agreed amount at the time of
                                                              delivery.  The remaining amount can be paid after due
         Farming agreements can be agreements for purchase of  certification within 30 days from the date of delivery.  For
         future farming produce with risk of production remaining  all other cases, the entire agreed amount must be paid at
         with the farmer or for payment of service charges to farmers  the time of delivery and a receipt slip must be issued with
         where risk of production is borne by the sponsor/buyer.  the details of sales proceeds.   The state government will
         There can be a combination also. The sponsor may also  prescribe the payment modes.
         agree to supply inputs or technology during the process of
         production.                                          Dispute Settlement: The Ordinance requires a farming
                                                              agreement to provide for a conciliation board as well as a
         Farming agreement usually specifies the price to be paid to  conciliation process for settlement of disputes.  The Board
         the farmer, the quantity and quality of the product  should have a fair and balanced representation of parties
         demanded by the Sponsor, and the date for delivery to  to the agreement.  At first, all disputes must be referred to
         buyers. The agreement may also include more detailed  the board for resolution.  If the dispute remains unresolved
         information on how the production will be carried out or if  by the Board after thirty days, parties may approach the
         any inputs such as seeds, fertilizers and technical advice will  Sub-divisional Magistrate for resolution.  Parties will have a
         be provided by the Sponsor to the farmer.            right to appeal to an Appellate Authority (presided by
                                                              collector or additional collector) against decisions of the
         Duration of agreement:  The minimum period of an     Magistrate.  Both Magistrate and Appellate Authority will
         agreement will be one crop season, or one production cycle  be required to dispose a dispute within thirty days from the
         of livestock.  The maximum period will be five years.  For  receipt of application. The Magistrate or the Appellate
         production cycle beyond five years, the maximum period for  Authority may impose certain penalties on the party
         the agreement will be mutually decided by the farmer and  contravening the agreement.   However, no action can be
         the sponsor.                                         taken against the agricultural land of farmer for recovery
                                                              of any dues.
         Exemptions from existing laws: Farming produce under a
         farming agreement will be exempted from all state Acts  How it is different from existing contract
         aimed at regulating sale and purchase of farming produce.
         These produce will be exempted from provisions of the Farming Law 2018?
         Essential Commodities Act, 1955 and will not have any stock  The agriculture ministry had released a model law to govern
         limit obligations.                                   contract farming in 2018, but it was a little too prescriptive.
                                                              It allowed contract farming, but only in notified
         Pricing of farming produce: The price to be paid for the  commodities; the price was determined by government
         purchase of a farming produce will be mentioned in the  rules; and each contract had to be registered with a district
         agreement.  In case of prices subjected to variations, the  authority. In contrast, the ordinance allows contract farming
         agreement must include: (i) a guaranteed price to be paid  in any agricultural product, leaves pricing to the parties, and
         for such produce, and (ii) a clear reference for any additional  allows for a central e-registration of contracts.

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