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         How it is beneficial to farmers?                     provides a uniform framework for private investment in
                                                              market, without challenging a farmer's ownership right or
         Earlier, contract farming has been in existence for decades.
         However, the farming agreement is to be made popular  right to cultivate which will provide farmers three benefits.
                                                              i)  Risk mitigation and greater predictability of income.
         because of its uniqueness with reference to i) Equity or
         inclusiveness (to attract more investments in the agriculture  Farmers will have the option to enter into agreement
         sector and promote inclusiveness) ii) Public Accountability  with buyers before sowing, securing the price for their
         (introducing system of e-registration and dispute resolution)  sale. The farmers may be able to enter into agreement
         and iii) Innovation (as both the market and inputs will be  that protect them from harvest losses as well as they
         available to the farmer at farm gate level).            can insure against output risk. In scenarios like crop
                                                                 output or market prices are highly variable, farmers can
         The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on   take a risk to grow the commercial crops where risk is
         Price Assurance and Farm Services Ordinance 2020, enables  more.
         farmers to mitigate the production risk and price risk by the  ii)  Access to market intelligence. Due to lack of forward
         farming agreement with the buyer before sowing stage.   linkages farmers are unable to access the consumer
         Farming agreements can be made between farmer and
                                                                 demand trends at micro level and hence not able to
         sponsor/buyer for purchase of future farming produce with  optimize crop and varietal mix. This Ordinance will
         risk of production remaining with the farmer or with the
         payment of service charges to farmers where risk of     enable stronger linkage with both domestic and export
         production is borne by the sponsor/buyer. There can be a
         combination also as per mutually agreed terms between  iii) Access to better technology and knowledge for farm
         farmer and sponsor/buyer. The sponsor may also agree to  management. Private sector have a better framework
         supply inputs or technology during the process of production  and infrastructure to integrate the modern farming
         to ensure the quality aspects of the farm produce.      practices and hence they can engage expertise in
                                                                 farming as well as make direct technology investment
         Farming agreement gives small and marginal holding      like use of IoT, Artificial intelligence etc. for driving
         farmers the possibility of knowing in advance when, to whom  higher yield and promoting sustainable agriculture over
         and at what price they will sell their products. This helps to  long term.
         reduce the unpredictability of agriculture and allows them
         to better plan their production. When sponsor also provide  Concerns
         access to inputs including technical assistance, farming
         agreement can lead to significantly increased yields and  1. Government interference challenges the
         profits.                                             Privity of Contract
                                                              The ordinance is a positive move towards freedom of
         The farming contract gives win-win situation for farmers/  contract farming in India, it leaves the scope for
         FPO and sponsors. The farmers/FPO gets easier access to  government interference particularly in sou moto litigation
         inputs, services and credit improved production and  and Executive adjudication.
         management skills, secure market, more stable income
         whereas the products purchased by sponsor from buyer  The ordinance creates a window for reintroducing
         conform to quality and safety standards. Under farming  government interference by giving the executive powers to
         agreement niche product clusters can be developed. This  adjudicate disputes through suo moto cases. These are cases
         ordinance safeguards farmers by providing fair trade  where neither of the parties to a farming contract has raised
         practices, good dispute resolution mechanism, and provision
                                                              a dispute, but the authority still can enter into the contract
         of penalties for misconduct by buyers.
                                                              and make changes. This violates a fundamental principle of
                                                              contract law: If the parties to a contract are not
         Opportunity for private investment                   complaining, third parties should not interfere in the
         The existing legal framework of contract farming never  contractual relationship (called 'privity of contract').
         gains confidence of private investors. This Ordinance  Violating this principle undermines the commercial

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