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                                                              an external environmental scan to review its customers,
                                                              markets and competitors, and to forecast to external
                                                              opportunities and threats.

                                                              Major areas to consider during an external scan include
                                                              economic, demographic, political, social and technological
                                                              trends. An analysis of customers, markets and competitors
                                                              is used to determine how the market is changing, to predict
                                                              who the future customers will be and to analyze
                                                              competitors in the marketplace.

                                                              When conducting a customer/market/

         which HR can strategically contribute to organizations.  The  competitor analysis, HR professionals should
         HR alignment process is often driven by workforce    answer the following questions like
         composition issues. Although every organization's particular  1) What business are we doing?
         strategic plan is unique, the demographics and other  2) What is approach and trends in the world which are
         characteristics of the available workforce have a major  been followed in sort of business, which we are doing?
         effect on the way businesses are staffed. In turn, the way
         organizations are staffed has a significant impact on the  3) What business strategies can be changed or needs to
         execution of the organization's strategy.               be changed?
                                                              4) What are our resources?
         HR professionals should monitor and respond          5) What are our core competencies?
         accordingly to factors that may affect workforce     6) Who all are our competitors?
         composition, including the following factors mainly:
         1) The Age Factor:  The age of the existing employees,  7) How will we compete?
             the age of the available workforce and the patterns of
             retirement for older workers and for the entrance of  Setting  HR objective as a part of
             younger workers can significantly affect workforce  strategic planning -
                                                              Setting strategic objectives is most important part of the
         2) Current economic Scenario: Like Unemployment rates,  strategic planning process. Therefore, these objectives must
             natural disasters and political changes can also have an  be aligned with the organization's mission, vision and overall
             impact the availability of workers.              strategy. Strategic objectives will vary from organization to
         3) Diversification: Key aspect of globalization that will  organization.
             affect almost all organizations is the increasing diversity  To identify whether strategic objectives lays a
             of the workforce. Another aspect of globalization is the
             economic incentive to outsource labor and production  solid foundation for success, HR should consider
             activities to wherever such costs are lower. A third, and  the following questions before formulating any
             related, aspect is immigration, both legal and illegal, in  plan or strategy:
             the United States and abroad.
                                                              Y  Have we communicated the benefits of obtaining the
                                                                 defined objectives?
         SWOT analysis as a strategic tool of
                                                              Y  Are the strategic objectives relevant to the
         decision making in HR -                                 organization's position in the external market? For
         Assessment of the current situation or scenario can be  example, do they consider competitor positions,
         understood for strategic decision making by conducting a  organizational size and financial strength?
         SWOT analysis. This analysis includes an internal assessment  Y  Do the strategic objectives recognize the organization's
         of the organization's capabilities and limitations as well as  strengths and weaknesses?

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