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         Apple, Paypal and others, jumping on the bandwagon and  by the digital revolution, particularly social media and
         developing their own payment gateways. This decreases the  mobile. An increased demand for more choice and control
         dependence on physical cash, thereby expanding the reach  in how they interact with a bank is on a rise. Sluggish
         of money to greater levels.                          payment processes will be a thing of the past as Blockchain
                                                              is set to inculcate the advantage of real-time payment
         Underwriting                                         process, hastening up the procedure of payment, thereby
                                                              increasing support and satisfaction.
         The insurance sector is also coming up with a storm as they
         are moving towards congruent automation. By utilizing AI
         systems that automate the underwriting process, the Sales and Trade Forecasting
         organizations come armed with more granular information  Through history of data, by using the predictive analytics we
         to empower their decisions.                          can forecast the sales and future stock prices related to
                                                              funds, banks and equities. Then deduce a decision for
         Voice Assisted Banking                               investment and other financial activities.
         Physical presence is slowly fading away as technology
         empowers customers to use banking services with voice Customer support
         commands and touch screens. The natural language     As speech processing and natural language processing
         technology can process queries to answer questions, find  technologies mature, we are drawing closer to the day,
         information, and connect users with various banking  when computers (Chatbots) could handle most customer
         services. This reduces human error, systemizing the  service queries. This would mark an end to waiting in line
         efficiency.                                          and hence result in happier customers.

         Data-driven AI applications for lending Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Indian Banks

         decisions                                            Consumers are not realising their full saving potential
                                                              because banks are generally still learning to understand their
         Applications embedded in end-user devices, personal robots,
                                                              customers' needs. With most banks still running on legacy
         and financial institution servers are capable of analyzing a
                                                              systems, it can prove a struggle to complete complex
         huge volume of data, providing customized financial advice,
                                                              transactions beyond money transfers and deposits.AI,
         calculations and forecasts. These applications can also
                                                              however, will allow banks to focus on their customers by
         develop financial plans and strategies through research,
                                                              leveraging the data that they own to gain essential insights.
         regarding various customized investment opportunities,
                                                              This will in turn allow banks to personalise and enhance the
         loans, rates, fees, etc and track the progress.
                                                              customer journey, making it as frictionless as possible, by
                                                              manipulating the data to offer real-time recommendations.
         Digitalization instead of branch lines
         Banking is a lengthy process, with past records of long  Amongst many Indian banks, there are 12 banks which have
         queues and sluggish response marring the productivity. Even  gained continuous media attention for their AI initiatives
         opening a bank account was viewed in negative terms as  over the last few years. The list includes:
         harried consumers would run pillar to post, while getting  1. SBI
         the necessary documentation complete. Digitization of  2. Bank of Baroda (BoB)
         documentation eases that pain and creates a          3. Allahabad Bank
         comprehensive platform, where the consumers and
                                                              4. Andhra Bank
         providers connect.
                                                              5. YES Bank
         Block Chain hastening payments                       6. HDFC

         The customer base that banks serve is going through a major  7. ICICI
         shift in terms of buying behaviours and preferences, driven  8. Axis

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