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         However labelled, the field has many branches, with many  Difference between Analytics, AI, NLP,
         significant connections and commonalities among them. The
         most active today are shown here:                    ML, NN and DL
                                                              Y AI or Artificial Intelligence:
                                                                 Building systems that can do intelligent things.

                                                              Y NLP or Natural Language Processing:
                                                                 Building systems that can understand language. It is a
                                                                 subset of Artificial Intelligence.

                                                              Y ML or Machine Learning:
                                                                 Building systems that can learn from experience. It is
                                                                 also a subset of Artificial Intelligence.

                                                              Y NN or Neural Network:
                                                                 Biologically inspired network of Artificial Neurons

         Analytics is subset of A.I. which falls under supervised  Y DL or Deep Learning:
         learning in machine learning segment. Analytics is the  Building Systems that use Deep Neural Network on a
         systematic computational analysis of data or statistics. It is  large set of data It is a subset of Machine Learning.
         used for the discovery, interpretation and communication
         of meaningful patterns in data. It also entails applying data  Y Analytics or Data science:
         patterns towards effective decision making.             The systematic computational analysis of data or
         It can be valuable in areas rich with recorded information;
         analytics relies on the simultaneous application of statistics,  Types of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
         computer programming and operations research to quantify
         performance.                                         There are 3 types of artificial intelligence (AI):
                                                              Y Narrow or weak AI,
         Organizations may apply analytics to business data to  Y General or strong AI
         describe, predict, and improve business performance.  Y Artificial superintelligence
         Specifically, areas within analytics include predictive
         analytics, prescriptive analytics, enterprise decision  Y ANI - Artificial Narrow Intelligence: It has a narrow
         management, descriptive analytics, cognitive analytics, Big  range of abilities.
         Data Analytics, retail analytics, supply chain analytics, store  It comprises of basic/role tasks such as those performed
         assortment and stock-keeping unit optimization, marketing  by chatbots, personal assistants like SIRI by Apple,
         optimization and marketing mix modelling, web analytics,  Cortana by Microsoft, IBM's Watson, Image / facial
         call analytics, speech analytics, sales force sizing and  recognition software, Disease mapping and prediction
         optimization, price and promotion modelling, predictive  tools, Manufacturing and drone robots, Email spam
         science, graph analytics, credit risk analysis, and fraud  filters / social media monitoring tools for dangerous
         analytics.                                              content, Entertainment or marketing content
                                                                 recommendations based on watch/listen/purchase
         Since analytics can require extensive computation (see big  behaviour.
         data), the algorithms and software used for analytics
         harness the most current methods in computer science,  Y AGI - Artificial General Intelligence: It is on par with
         statistics, and mathematics.                            human capabilities.

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