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             Artificial General Intelligence comprises of human-level  Artificial Intelligence (AI) industry in
             tasks such as performed by self-driving cars by Uber,  India - The current status
             Autopilot by Tesla.  Fujitsu-built K, one of the fastest
             supercomputers, is one of the most notable attempts  According to a source, around 500 start-ups and businesses
                                                              are using AI domains. Most of the growth in AI in India can
             at achieving strong AI, but considering it took 40
                                                              be seen in the private sector. The government sector in the
             minutes to simulate a single second of neural activity,
             it involves continual learning by the machines.  NITI Aayog plan developed a National level Strategy for
                                                              bringing Artificial Intelligence in India. Even though the
                                                              private sector has the major share of AI services in the
         Y   ASI - Artificial Super Intelligence: It is more capable
                                                              industry but the government sector is still the largest
             than a human.
                                                              customer for data science in terms of the Indian economy.
             Artificial Super Intelligence refers to intelligence way
             smarter than humans. ASI would have a greater memory  There are several start-ups that are based in cities such as
             and a faster ability to process and analyse data and  Bengaluru, New Delhi, Mumbai and Hyderabad which work
             stimuli. Consequently, the decision-making and problem  on artificial intelligence principles to serve consumers better.
             solving capabilities of super intelligent beings would be  Their product range varies from multi-lingual Chatbots to
             far superior to those of human beings.           online shopping assistance and automated consumer data
                                                              analysis. The companies have been working in areas such
         Stages of Artificial Intelligence (AI)               as e-commerce, healthcare, edtech, fintech etc. Though in
                                                              their nascent stage, the performance of these companies
         Y Stage 1 - Machine Learning
                                                              have been promising.
             It is a set of algorithms used by intelligent systems to
             learn from experience.                           India is third in terms of investment, just lags behind U.S.A.

         Y Stage 2 - Machine Intelligence                     and China. With a copious pool of STEM talent and with
             These are the advanced set of algorithms used by  growing population of youngsters, India will be banking on
             machines to learn from experience. eg - Deep Neural  AI for its economic growth and improvement in quality of
                                                              life of its citizens.
             Networks. Artificial Intelligence technology is currently
             at this stage
                                                              The challenges Facing India's Artificial
         Y Stage 3 - Machine Consciousness
             It is self-learning from experience without the need of  Intelligence (AI) Development
             external data.                                   1. AI-based applications to date have been driven largely
                                                                 by the private sector and have been focused primarily
                                                                 in consumer goods. The emergent scale and implications
                                                                 of the technology make it imperative for policymakers
                                                                 in government to take notice.

                                                              2. Early lessons of AI success in the United States, China,
                                                                 South Korea, and elsewhere offer public and private
                                                                 funding models for AI research that India should
                                                              3. The sequential system of education and work is
                                                                 outdated in today's economic environment as the
                                                                 nature of jobs shifts rapidly and skills become valuable
                                                                 and obsolete in a matter of years.

                                                              Indian Banks and the Technology

                                                              The balanced approach followed by Indian central bank,

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