P. 41


To improve appraisal skills of credit department officials,
banks should provide training or workshops on a continuous

Important aspects of Credit Assessment:                           banks to recover the dues in case of default or failure
                                                                  of the business or loan. Accurate valuation of the
a) Credentials of the Promoters / Individuals:                    collaterals is another area to reduce the credit risk of
                                                                  lending process. Valuation of collaterals should be on
     Determining the character of the prospective borrower        present value and under the circumstances of forced
     is a big challenge in the lending process. If the            sale and not the future appreciation value etc. Forced
     character is good, then 20% of the quality of advance        sale value is different from present value. In forced
     is assured and willful defaulter's percentage will reduce.   sale, the banker may not get even the present value
     Here, character means when he enjoys a loan from the         of the property due to lack of bidders and demand etc.
     bank, his primary responsibility is to utilize the loan for
     the purpose he had applied and repay it as per the           A margin of the proposed loan is another important
     terms and conditions of the loan.Hence, while                area in mitigating the credit risk.100% bank financed
     appraising loan proposals, bank should thoroughly verify     in certain projects is always dangerous due to
     the loans taken from other banks by the applicant and        borrower's contribution is zero in the activity. Margins
     his credit worthiness. To check this aspect, CIBIL report    are useful in case of fluctuations in collateral security
     is one of the important tools which has market               and also in case forced sale of primary security.
     information about the borrower.Due to free availability
     of finance from different sources in the financial market,
     applicants tend to borrow amounts from different
     sources / banks and some of them do not repay the
     existing loans and apply fresh for loans in other banks.
     This aspect should be cross checked by the bank in an
     intelligent way from the various sources available.

b) Projections or Estimations:

     Projections of sales and revenues in case of business
     organizations and projected income in case of
     individuals are to be thoroughly checked by credit
     officials. Over projections or estimates lead to wrong
     credit appraisal thereby bringing disgrace.

For example, industry growth rate of a particular d) Credit Rating:

product is 5% average on year-on-year basis. But                  The rating of Business firms depends upon the strength

prospective borrowers who apply for a loan of same                of balance sheet or financial statements, future growth

product will mention 40% to 50% projections. These                of business, surplus generated from business operations,

areas are to be scrutinized by the Bank with authentic            timely repayment of loans enjoyed by them earlier and

data available in the market. Otherwise excess finance            the experience and charter of the promoters or

leads to misappropriation of funds and at a later date            borrowers. Higher Credit Rating is an 'Extra Collateral

it is difficult for the bank to recover loan.                     Security' to the Bank. In case of individuals, the rating

                                                                  is depending on the annual income and net income,

c) Availability of Collaterals and Margins:                       existing savings, financial obligations etc.In case of

Collaterals for the proposed finance by the bank are              individuals,banks normally obtain Form 16 to determine

very important in fixing responsibility to repay the loan         the income level of an individual. As borrowings are not

by the borrower and to create an interest in the                  reflected in IT Returns and personal finance from

proposed line of activity. Collaterals are useful to the          private lenders are not reflected in CIBIL report, the

BANKING FINANCE |                                                    FEBRUARY | 2016 | 41

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