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in each stage, that the earlier amount is fully utilized established with the unit.
by the borrower as per the purpose of loan. In case of negative symptoms, legal action is to be
Frequent visits are to be made by the Credit Officials initiated.
and verify the Primary Security (i.e., Asset created with Use of various Statutory Acts in recovery processes.
Banks Funds) of the bank loan.
Credit Risk Mitigation Measures:
If any deviations are noticed, further disbursement
should be stopped and informed to the controllers for Credit Risk means default risk. Banks are trustees for the
further action. public funds. Banks sanction Loans and advances with the
help of depositor's funds. High credit risk in the bank means
Verify the documents like bills / invoices submitted by decrease safety to depositors' funds. Once the depositors'
the borrower with bank finance. Rates, quantity and lose their confidence on the bank, it leads to Asset Liabilities
type of product are to be verified from independent Mismatch due to heavy withdrawal of funds by them.
source and it should be matched with the project Hence, banks should give lot of efforts / energy in minimizing
report submitted by the borrower. credit risk. Following are Ten Commandments useful to
mitigate the credit risk:
Follow-up: 1. Selection of right personnel in the credit function.
Due to increase in volume of advance accounts, banks are 2. Train them on continuous basis to improve credit
not focusing on post sanction formalities of loans and appraisal skills.
advances sanctioned by them.Post sanction, end use of
funds, follow-up stock statements, and activity is continued 3. Quality of lending benchmark to be fixed i.e., (99%).
or not results in timely recovery of loan.
4. Incentives and accountability to officials of credit
Formalities to be fulfilled in Follow-up of function.
5. Post-sanction process should be strengthened.
Continuous contact with the borrower.
6. Strengthen internal controls & concurrent audit in credit
Frequent visits to the units and ensure proper utilization function.
of funds.
7. Instant legal action in slippage accounts.
Timely recovery of EMI or Installments of the Loan.
8. Optimum utilization of technology and communication
Ensure to submit stock statements etc. credit function.
Identify major deviations or irregularities happen in the 9. Study on regular basis on credit gaps, credit
Unit and timely action. requirements, region-wise to develop and to withdraw
of credit products of the bank.
Both physical visit and communication should be
10. "Quality Control" in credit is to be established in each
and every process or step of Credit Management.
Prevention is better than cure. Instead of putting more efforts
on sideeffects of Credit Risk like providing more provisions,
decrease in net profit and net worth, attracting more Tier-
I and Tier-II Capital to maintain the required CRAR etc., banks
should give more focus on "Quality of Lending". This is only
one way or remedy or best solution to overcome all problems
relating to the Credit Risk in the Banks. 'Quality Control' of
each and every step of credit delivery process is the need of
hour to mitigate the credit risk in the banks.
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