P. 47


SDS account holders @ 8.7% per annum from 1st                   Mobile Banking Registration through ATMs
January 2015 to 31st December 2015 through
electronic mode such as ECS/NECS/ NEFT/RTGS or by               2. As advised by us, the National Payment Corporation of
way of account payee cheques on January 01, 2016                     India (NPCI) has since developed the mobile banking
itself, subject to instructions, as applicable now,                  registration service / option on the National Financial
contained in paragraphs 3 and 4 of our circular                      Switch (NFS). After a pilot with a few banks, the service
CO.DT.No.15.01.001/H-3527/2003-04 dated December                     is ready to be deployed on ATMs of all the NFS member
30, 2003.                                                            banks. The necessary instructions for integration have
                                                                     been issued to banks by NPCI.

2. Please issue suitable instructions to all your Deposit       3. In view of the above, all the banks participating in NFS
     Offices and acknowledge the receipt.                            should carry out necessary changes in their respective
                                                                     ATM switches and enable the capability of customer
Yours faithfully,                                                    registration for mobile banking at all their ATMs latest
(V S Prajish)                                                        by 31st March 2016.
Assistant General Manager
                                                                Registration through other Channels and Customer
Mobile Banking Transactions in India -                          Awareness
    Operative Guidelines for Banks -
   Customer Registration for Mobile                             4. In addition to the above, banks should also strive to
                    Banking                                          facilitate customer registration for mobile banking
                                                                     through other channels including internet banking, IVR,
RBI/2015-16/269                                                      phone banking, etc. As customer registration is an
                                                                     important pre-requisite for offering mobile banking
DPSS.CO.PD.No./1265/02.23.001/2015-2016                              services, banks should also use multiple channels to
                                                                     create awareness among their customers regarding
The Chairman and Managing Director / Chief Executive                 mobile banking services and options available for
Officers                                                             customer registration.
All Scheduled Commercial Banks including RRBs /
Urban Co-operative Banks / State Co-operative Banks /           5. This directive is issued under Section 10(2) read with
District Central Co-operative Banks /                                Section 18 of Payment and Settlement Systems Act
White Label ATM Operators                                            2007 (Act 51 of 2007).

                                                                6. Please acknowledge receipt.

Madam / Sir                                                     Yours faithfully
1. A reference is invited to para 7 of the Master Circular      (Nanda S Dave)
                                                                Chief General Manager
     on Mobile Banking transactions in India - Operative
     Guidelines for Banks dated July 1, 2015. Given the high       Implementation of Section 51-A of
     mobile density in the country, the policy focus of RBI        Unlawful Activities Prevention Act
     has been to encourage banks to leverage on the mobile         (UAPA), 1967- Updates to Al-Qaida
     channel for widening the access to banking services.
     Irrespective of whether the services are offered                           Sanctions List
     through SMS, USSD or application channels, customer
     registration for mobile banking is critical. Towards this  RBI/2015-16/268
     end, RBI has been reiterating the need for simplification  DBR. AML.No.7835/ 14.06.001/ 2015-16
     of procedure and greater degree of standardization in
     procedures relating to registering of customers for        The Chairpersons/ CEOs of all Scheduled Commercial Banks/
     mobile banking.

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