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expensive option, but comes with the     making any investment, take the time      prices he will realize may not represent
discipline of repayment, which means     to understand what it takes to access     fair value. Brokerage, commissions,
the asset is replenished. Choose         the money and ensure good                 loads, taxes and penalties can impact
between selling the asset or borrowing   housekeeping.                             the liquidation value.
against it.
                                         Forgetting passwords and processes        What could an investor do to manage
Third, a thorough understanding of the   seriously hurts efficient liquidity       liquidity well? Creating an emergency or
process for raising funds is required.   management.                               contingent fund is a much found idea. It
The paperwork needed to liquidate an                                               is common for advisers to ask investors to
asset can vary, depending on market      Fourth, there may be several direct       set aside money that covers 6 to 12
practices. While fixed deposits can be   and indirect cost associated with         months of expenses in an easily accessible
drawn before maturity using internet     liquidating an asset. A residential       investment return, but higher liquidity.
banking facilities, liquidating a post   property is indivisible and difficult to  The contingency fund is actually a risk
office deposit may require a personal    sell at short notice. Gold jewellery can  management tool intended to cover an
appearance by the investor.              be liquidated only after paying steep     unexpected event for which insurance
                                         damages. Financial assets may be          cover may not be available. Investors
Only equity shares held in demat form    easier to liquidate, but may fetch a      should instead build their portfolio keeping
can be solid easily and it is important  market price which changes every day.     in mind planned liquidity needs and a
to have an active trading account with   If the equity markets have crashed on     buffer for unexpected liquidity needs.
a broker to do this easily. Before       a day, an investor needs liquidity, the   (Source: Economic Times)

Vijaya Bank organizes 30th STATE Level Quiz Competition

Vijaya Bank, under the auspices of the Vijaya Bank Cultural         Attended by about 600 students/ parents from 100
Club, sponsored a Mega Annual State Level Inter High School         schools of the state, the 30th Quiz Contest was
Quiz Competition. The quiz is popularly known as the "Vijaya        conducted with much fanfare and celebration. With the
Bank V-GenUTH Quiz contest". It is a popular quiz at the            Executive Director, Shri Nageshwar Rao shooting off the
state level where a large number of schools participate and         first question and legendary 'Pick Brain' Sri Giri
attractive prizes are awarded to the participants.                  Balasubramaniam conducting the Quiz programme in
                                                                    his inimitable style combining professional perfection
The 30th Year State Level Inter High School Vijaya Bank V-          and informal warmth, the thronging crowd witnessed
GEN Uth Quiz Contest was conducted on , January 24, 2016            to one of the most keenly contested Quiz events in the
at Auditorium of Vijaya Bank Head Office.                           recent times. The function was graced by General
                                                                    Managers along with top management team of the

                                                                    Presenting the Vijaya Bank V-GenUth Quiz Contest
                                                                    Rolling Trophy to the winning team from PSBB Learning
                                                                    Academy, Bangalore and the Runner up Trophy to the
                                                              team from Presidency School, Bangalore - South, the
                                                              Executive Director Sri Nageshwar Rao Y congratulated the
                                                              participants from different schools and appreciated the rising
                                                              knowledge levels of the younger generation.

                                                              Trophies were given to all the finalists apart from Best
                                                              Performing Outstation team.

                                                              The largely attended function included Executives, officials
                                                              and staff members of the Bank apart from parents and

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