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Regional Rural Banks/ Local Area Banks/ All India Financial                resources or related services held in the form of bank
Institutions/ all NBFCs/ All Primary (Urban) Co-operative                  accounts of the designated individuals/entities are
Banks /State and Central Co-operative Banks (StCBs / CCBs)                 concerned, action should be taken as detailed in
/All Payment System Providers/ System Participants and                     paragraph 6 of the circular dated September 17, 2009,
Prepaid Payment Instrument Issuers/ All authorised persons                 mentioned above.
including those who are agents of Money Transfer Service
Scheme                                                                7. A link of press releases in which the relevant changes
                                                                           to the list are announced are posted on the UNSC
Dear Sir/ Madam,                                                           Sanction Committee's website at the following URL:
1. Please refer to our circular DBR.AML.No. 7376/                
     14.06.001/2015-16 dated December 2, 2015 on the
     captioned subject releasing updates issued vide press            Yours faithfully,
     releases No.12139 dated November 25, 2015 and No.                (Thomas Mathew)
     12144 dated November 30, 2015 relating to deletion/              General Manager
     addition pertaining to UNSCR 1267(1999)/ 1989(2011)
     Committee's Al Qaida Sanctions List.                               Interest Equalisation Scheme on Pre
                                                                          and Post Shipment Rupee Export
2. Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), UNP Division has                                    Credit
     now forwarded press release No.12152 and No. 12153
     both dated December 10, 2015 relating to deletion/               RBI/2015-16/259
     amendments pertaining to Al Qaida sanction list.
     Press releases pertaining to the update are available at:        DBR.Dir.BC.No.62/04.02.001/2015-16                  All Scheduled Commercial Banks
                                                                      (excluding RRBs)
3. A link to updated list of individuals and entities linked
     to Al Qaida is available at:                                     Dear Sir/Madam,
     h t t p s : / / w w w. u n . o rg /s c /s u b o r g /s i t es /  1. The Government of India has announced the Interest
                                                                           Equalisation Scheme on Pre and Post Shipment Rupee
4. Regulated Entities (REs) are required to update the list                Export Credit to eligible exporters. The scheme is
     of individuals/entities as circulated by Reserve Bank and             effective from April 1, 2015.
     before opening any new account, it should be ensured
     that the name/s of the proposed customer does not                2. Accordingly, scheduled commercial banks are advised
     appear in the list. Further, REs should scan all existing             to adhere to the following operational procedure for
     accounts to ensure that no account is held by or linked               claiming reimbursement.
     to any of the entities or individuals included in the list.
                                                                      A. Procedure for passing on the benefit of interest
5. REs are advised to strictly follow the procedure laid              equalisation to exporters:
     down in the UAPA Order dated August 27, 2009                     For the period April 1, 2015 to November 30, 2015,
     enclosed to our circular DBOD.AML.BC. No. 44/                    banks shall identify the eligible exporters as per the
     14.01.001/2009-10 dated September 17, 2009 and                   Government of India scheme and credit their accounts with
     ensure meticulous compliance to the Order issued by              the eligible amount of interest equalisation. From the
     the Government.                                                  month of December 2015 onwards, banks shall reduce the
                                                                      interest rate charged to the eligible exporters as per our
6. As far as freezing of funds, financial assets or economic          extant guidelines on interest rates on advances by the rate

48 | 2016 | FEBRUARY                                                  | BANKING FINANCE

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